what is baileys middle name?
what was baileys first pet?
a fish! its dead now
what is baileys zodiac sign?
what is baileys favorite video game right now?
among us! im very very good at that game
who is bailey named after?
her grandfather
how many siblings does bailey have?
what is baileys favorite scent?
vanilla because shes basic
what is baileys shoe size?
9 and a half
what color was baileys phone case?
it used to be clear but now its a yellow phone case
what are baileys parents names?
keith and jamy hunter
when is baileys birthday?
november 21st 2006
how tall is bailey?
when did bailey get her braces?
i think spring of 2020??
what are baileys siblings names?
kali and kason
name one of the places bailey travels to see family?
san diego, nashville, and berryville
name one of baileys favorite colors?
sage green, grey, pale pink, yellow
what year did bailey cut her hair short for the first time?
2019! yay!
whats the class bailey almost failed last year?
math lol
what color did bailey temporarily dye her hair last summer?
red! but it turned out a shade of purple
what is baileys iphone type?
iphone 6s
where is baileys birthmark located?
upper back
what is baileys favorite class?
whats baileys favorite season?
what are all the buses bailey takes to get home?
#33, #13, #4, #17
what did bailey eat for breakfast this morning?