This queen of sparta was the wife of Leonidas
This pokemon is the only one incapable of learning normal type moves
The website Jeopardylabs has more than what number of jeopardy games to play?
2 million
How many Es are in the title of this board?
This supposedly aphrodisiac cheese is from Sardinia!
Casu Martzu
The entities are pleased. Team Bluke loses 100 points and you gain 100 points
This legendary trio of birds are named:
Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres
This man won 21 games of Jeopardy! Consecutively
Chris Pannullo
These inadvisable food sources are produced by a noble bird species
Eagle Eggs
This offshoot of the pecorino sardo, a ewe's milk cheese, is reviled
Casu Marzu
If your team includes someone with the letter c in their legal first name you get the points
This country once banned pokemon
Saudi Arabia
This episode of jeopardy was the first (and only until 2020) to have a host other than Alex Trebek
April Fools Special 1997
How many E's are in the english translation of the Spanish Word "Calidad"?
You may not use a translator, only your knowledge
This cheese is known for containing maggots intentionally
Casu Martzu / Casu Marzu
This historian wrote a history of the Peloponnesian war shortly after it happened
This local elementary school banned pokemon in ~2015
Alex Trebek hosted this many episodes of jeopardy
This book series' main character shared his title with the books written by 'Britannica'
Encyclopedia Brown
This cheese is illegal to sell in Italy
Casu Martzu
The entities are displeased. You lose 600 points unless you can give me the secret password
The password is: Bluke
With 74 consecutive wins, this man is the Jeopardy King!
What year did the first Chuck-E-Cheese open?
This German Cheese is said to smell like feet!