QUAESITUM (noun) Something sought or required
QUAESITUM (noun) Things worthy of notice
QUAESITUM (noun) A small piece of bread or toast used to dip into soup or sauce as a garnish
QUAESITUM (noun) Something sought or required
NOTABILIA (noun) Things worthy of notice
SIPPET (noun) A small piece of bread or toast used to dip into soup or sauce as a garnish
FANDANGLE (noun) A useless or purely ornamental thing
FANDANGLE ( Noun)boastful or inflated talk or behavior OR (verb) talk boastfully
FANDANGLE (adjective) A supplement but necessary part.
FANDANGLE (noun) A useless or purely ornamental thing
RODOMONTADE Noun (boastful or inflated talk or behavior) verb talk boastfully
ADSITITIOUS (adjective) Forming an addition or supplement; not integral or intrinsic.
HYSON (noun) A type of green chinese tea
HYSON (adjective) (Of a young bird or other animal) Hatched or born helpless and requiring significant parental care. Often contrasted with precocial.
HYSON (noun) A declaration by a player intending to adjust the placing of a chessman without making a move with it.
HYSON (noun) A type of green chinese tea
ALTRICIAL (adjective) (Of a young bird or other animal) Hatched or born helpless and requiring significant parental care. Often contrasted with precocial.
J’ADOUBE (noun) A declaration by a player intending to adjust the placing of a chessman without making a move with it.
NUGACITY (adjective) Melodious or resonant
NUGACITY (noun) A coalition of two people having joint authority or influence.
NUGACITY (noun) Triviality or frivolity.
CANOROUS (adjective) Melodious or resonant
DIUMVIRATE (noun) A coalition of two people having joint authority or influence.
NUGACITY (noun) Triviality or frivolity.
EMMETROPIA (adjective) Lying face upward
EMMETROPIA (adjective) Relating to a disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals.
EMMETROPIA (noun) The normal condition of the eye.
SUPINE (adjective) Lying face upward
ZOONOTIC (adjective) Relating to a disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals.
EMMETROPIA (noun) The normal condition of the eye.
DIGHT (adjective) Clothed or equipped
DIGHT (noun) The flowing out of a particular substance or particle.
DIGHT (noun) A person who is optimistic regardless of the circumstances
DIGHT (adjective) Clothed or equipped
EFFLUX (noun) The flowing out of a particular substance or particle.
PANGLOSS (noun) A person who is optimistic regardless of the circumstances
LAGOM (noun) Pleasure in someone else’s happiness
LAGOM (Noun) the philosophy or ethos of trying to achieve balance in one's life.
LAGOM (noun) An urge to do something inadvisable
CONFELICITY (noun) Pleasure in someone else’s happiness
LAGOM (Noun) the philosophy or ethos of trying to achieve balance in one's life.
CACOETHES (noun) An urge to do something inadvisable
GUERDON (verb) Give a reward to or (noun) A reward or recompense
GUERDON (noun) A somewhat riotous parade, accompanied with the blowing of tin horns and other discordant noises.
GUERDON (noun) A circular symbol depicting a snake, or less commonly a dragon, swallowing its tail, as an emblem of wholeness or infinity.
GUERDON (verb) Give a reward to or (noun) A reward or recompense
CALLITHUMP (noun) A somewhat riotous parade, accompanied with the blowing of tin horns and other discordant noises.
UROBOROS (noun) A circular symbol depicting a snake, or less commonly a dragon, swallowing its tail, as an emblem of wholeness or infinity.
GADARENE (adjective) Involving or engaged in a headlong or potentially disastrous rush to do something.
GADARENE (adjective) 1. Done or taken before dinner or lunch. 2. (Medicine) Occurring or done before a meal.
GADARENE (verb) Advise someone
GADARENE (adjective) Involving or engaged in a headlong or potentially disastrous rush to do something.
PREPRANDIAL (adjective) 1. Done or taken before dinner or lunch. 2. (Medicine) Occurring or done before a meal.
REDE (verb) Advise someone
DEMIURGE (noun) A hungarian dance with a slow introduction and a fast wild finish
DEMIURGE (noun) Being responsible for the creation of the universe
DEMIURGE (noun) The skillful and harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something.
CSARDAS (noun) A hungarian dance with a slow introduction and a fast wild finish
DEMIURGE (noun) Being responsible for the creation of the universe
CONCINNITY (noun) The skillful and harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something.
GOCHUJANG (adj) Having or resembling tufts of wool
GOCHUJANG (noun) An outward part or appearance; surface
GOCHUJANG (noun) A spicy paste used in Korean cooking, made from red chili peppers, fermented soybeans, rice, and salt.
FLOCCULENT (adj) Having or resembling tufts of wool
GOCHUJANG (noun) A spicy paste used in Korean cooking, made from red chili peppers, fermented soybeans, rice, and salt.
SUPERFICIES (noun) An outward part or appearance; surface
FUGACIOUS (noun) A drink
FUGACIOUS (adjective) Aiming or aimed at peace
FUGACIOUS (adjective) Tending to disappear
POTATION (noun) A drink
IRENIC (adjective) Aiming or aimed at peace
FUGACIOUS (adjective) Tending to disappear
TRUNKCAL (noun) A commotion or a fuss
TRUNKCAL (noun) Something which mitigates or removes grief.
TRUNKCAL (adjective) Of or affecting the trunk of the body or of a nerve
POTHER (noun) A commotion or a fuss
DOLORIFUGE (noun) Something which mitigates or removes grief.
TRUNKCAL (adjective) Of or affecting the trunk of the body or of a nerve
ORRERY (adjective) Noxious harmful or poisonous
ORRERY (noun) A mechanical model of the solar system, or of just the sun, Earth, and moon, used to represent their relative positions and motions.
ORRERY (noun) Copious but meaningless talk or writing; nonsense.
NOCUOUS (adjective) Noxious harmful or poisonous
ORRERY (noun) A mechanical model of the solar system, or of just the sun, Earth, and moon, used to represent their relative positions and motions.
ARGLE-BARGLE (noun) Copious but meaningless talk or writing; nonsense.
INCHOATE (adjective) 1. Just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.2. Confused or incoherent.
REBOANT (adjective) That reverberates or resounds loudly
PALUDAL (adjective) Living or occurring in a marshy habitat.
INCHOATE (adjective) 1. Just begun and so not fully formed or developed; rudimentary.2. Confused or incoherent.
REBOANT (adjective) That reverberates or resounds loudly
PALUDAL (adjective) Living or occurring in a marshy habitat.
JOCOSERIOUS (verb) Enjoy oneself without restraint
JOCOSERIOUS (adjective) Simultaneously jocular and serious; mixing mirth with serious matters.
JOCOSERIOUS (noun) enjoyable social activity; a good time
DISPORT (verb) Enjoy oneself without restraint
JOCOSERIOUS (adjective) Simultaneously jocular and serious; mixing mirth with serious matters.
CRAIC (noun) enjoyable social activity; a good time
BUNBURYING (noun) The inability to remember a particular word or name
BUNBURYING (verb) Avoiding one's duties and responsibilities by claiming to have appointments to see a fictitious person.
BUNBURYING (noun) A boastful but cowardly person.
LETHOLOGICA (noun) The inability to remember a particular word or name
BUNBURYING (verb) Avoiding one's duties and responsibilities by claiming to have appointments to see a fictitious person.
SCARAMOUCHE (noun) A boastful but cowardly person.
EUDAEMONIC (adjective) Relating to the state immediately before falling asleep
EUDAEMONIC (adjective) Conducive to happiness
EUDAEMONIC (adjective) Neighboring; adjacent.2. (Chemistry) Relating to or denoting substituents attached to adjacent atoms in a ring or chain
HYPNAGOGIC (adjective) Relating to the state immediately before falling asleep
EUDAEMONIC (adjective) Conducive to happiness
VICINAL (adjective) Neighboring; adjacent.2. (Chemistry) Relating to or denoting substituents attached to adjacent atoms in a ring or chain
OYEZ (adjective) Standing close together (of rows of people or things)
OYEZ (adverb) By, or from, memory; by heart
OYEZ (noun) A call given by a court officer, or formerly by public criers, typically repeated two or three times to command silence and attention, as before court is in session.
SERRIED (adjective) Standing close together (of rows of people or things)
MEMORITER (adverb) By, or from, memory; by heart
OYEZ (noun) A call given by a court officer, or formerly by public criers, typically repeated two or three times to command silence and attention, as before court is in session.
OGDOAD (adjective) Silly and pointless
OGDOAD (noun) A group or set of eight
OGDOAD (noun)A cable railroad, especially one on a mountainside, in which ascending and descending cars are counterbalanced
FATUOUS (adjective) Silly and pointless
OGDOAD (noun) A group or set of eight
FUNICULAR (noun)A cable railroad, especially one on a mountainside, in which ascending and descending cars are counterbalanced