Baldridge Info
SCF (cont'd)
Misc 1
Misc 2
Name the 3 components of the Baldridge Performance Excellence Program.
1. Provides oversight of the award and framework. 2. Evaluates applications and conducts visits. 3. A process and a set of tools to evaluate performance to the framework and criteria.
State the Mission and Vision of SCF.
Vision : A Native community that enjoys physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Mission: Working together with the Native Community to achieve wellness through health and related services.
What is the acronym used for Core Concepts?
What does Nuka system of care mean to you in terms of how SCF serves customer owners ?
(discussion) The relationship based NSC is comprised of organizational strategies and processes; medical, behavioral, dental and traditional practices; and supporting infrastructure that work together in a relationship to support wellness.

What years did SCF receive the Malcom Baldridge Award?

2011 and 2017

A systems approach to managing all components of your organization as a whole.
Baldridge Excellence Framework and Criteria.
Name 3 goals of SCF
1. Shared Responsibility 2. Commitment to Quality 3. Family Wellness

Name 2 Benefits of Core Concepts Training

1. Improve communications and working together with our C/O's and each other to achieve our mission and vision. 2. Increase C/O satisfaction 3. Increase the climate of trust for employees 4. Proactive in making a change on a major issue facing our community: domestic violence, sexual abuse/assault and neglect.

Define Each letter of RELATE (Badge use is acceptable)
R - RESPECT (Honor the legitimacy of another's point of view) E - ENGAGE ( Make appropriate eye contact) L - LISTEN (Be open-minded) A - ADVOCATE ( follow through with action) T - THANK (Be Sincere) E - ENCOURAGE (Provide options)

Name 3 ways you can prepare for the Baldrige site visit

1. Relax and enjoy! A site visit is an extraordinary learning experience as Southcentral Foundation and other organizations share information. 2. Review the Employee Guide booklet and fill in the blanks with your responses. 3. Clean your work area. 4. Wear your Baldrige T-shirts and/or something cultural. 5. Be flexible and prepared for an interview at any time. 6. Speak with your manager or supervisor about any questions you have regarding the contents of this guide.


Name 4 of the 7 Baldridge Excellence Criteria

1. Leadership 2. Strategic Planning 3. Customer Focus 4. Measurment, Analysis, and Knowledge 5. Workforce 6. Operations 7. Results

How does your division or department support the Vision, Mission and Goals?
Treating C/O's with Respect and Cultural Sensitivity. Partnering with C/O 's, their family and community to provide the best possible care. Qualified and knowledgeable staff in all positions. Encouraging wellness as a whole.

Where can you access your PDP?

SCF Intranet/UKG/UltiPro

How can you access your departments annual plan ?
SCF Intranet
What resources are available to improve work performance and support employees in their positions?
Trainings offered at DC/Nuka building. Performance Development Plan Manager/Employee Quarterly check ins to review PDP goals.
Name the highest recognition for performance excellence that a U.S organization can receive.
Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award.
What is the acronym for Operational Principles?
Double Jeopardy - (name 4 operational principles) What is RELATIONSHIPS.
How can you access the SCF Corporate Strategic Plan ?
SCF Intranet

What are the 3 plain language emergency alerts?

1. Facility Alerts

2. Security Alerts

3. Medical Alerts


Name 2 ways SCF measures customer feedback/satisfaction


Describe how an organization receives this award.
To receive this award, an organization must have a system that ensures continuous improvement and provides an approach for satisfying and responding to customer and stake holders.

What are the four workforce competencies?

1. Customer Care and Relationships

2. Communication and Teamwork

3. Improvement and Innovation

4. Workforce Development Skills and Abilities

What does the word Nuka mean ?
Nuka is a Alaska Native word used for strong, giant structures and living things.
What is the purpose of SCF applying for the Malcom Baldridge National Quality Award ?
This is one of the ways we seek feedback and validation for our approach to health care organization.

What tools are available to implement a change or an improvement?

READI Model- Reaching Understanding, Establish Relationship, Assessment of Gaps/Possibilities, Develop and Implement Action Plan, Integrate Solutions and Evaluate Results

PDSA-Plan Do Study Act
