Key Details

Which sentence BEST states the main idea of the passage? 

A. Though Galápagos tortoises used to live only on some islands, they are now found in many places. 

B. People are helping the Galápagos tortoises in many ways so that the number of tortoises is going up. 

C. Removing goats from the islands of Galápagos tortoises has helped increase the food supply for tortoises. 

D. Galápagos tortoises and turtles are similar, but turtles have not experienced as many problems as tortoises

Correct Answer: B


Which word BEST describes how Sandra feels about leaving the ocean?



This question applies to Paper Chairs You Can Sit on:
Which material is specifically mentioned as being used to make a chair in the passage?



Which sentence uses a plural noun correctly? 

A. There are three childs playing in the garden. 

B. Roger thinks dogs are better pets than mice.

C. Louise lost two baby tooths in the same week. 

D. There are lots of deers in the woods near my house.

B. Roger thinks dogs are better pets than mice.


Read the sentences from the story. She saw that her red shell was not on the windowsill by her bed. Sandra stormed into the kitchen. Which word BEST explains the meaning of the word stormed?



How does the author use cause and effect?

“The author uses cause and effect to show how people have changed the number of tortoises on the Galápagos Islands.”


What is the central message of the story?

It is nice to share


This question applies to Paper Chairs You Can Sit on: 
What method is described for making a strong chair out of cardboard?

Joining the cardboard sheets together in a honeycomb pattern


Which sentence has an error in spelling? 

A. The bus was stuck in traffic. 

B. Grandma always wears a necklace. 

C. They need to repare the broken desk.

D. I wonder if there is life on other planets.

C. They need to repare the broken desk.


Sandra ran out the door of the house and down the path to the beach one last time. The wind was blowing strong off the ocean, as if to drive all people away. Sandra felt like she had a hole in her stomach. She needed something to take back home with her, something to remember the last wonderful month. Which choice BEST explains what is meant in the underlined sentence?

Sandra feels sad.

Read the paragraph. 
I like many kinds of pets, but I think dogs are the best. Dogs can learn to obey when their owners say, “Sit,” or “Come.” Dogs wag their tails or bark when they are excited. They are easy to feed because they seem to like almost everything. Dogs need to go for walks, and walks are good exercise for dog owners.

Which sentence BEST concludes the paragraph?

A. Cats are good pets too. 

B. All in all, dogs are the best pets. 

C. Some dogs shed lots of fur in the spring. 

D. In the end, every pet is someone’s favorite.

B. All in all, dogs are the best pets. 



Which sentence from the story BEST supports the answer to the central message?

A. She picked up a flat grey rock, looked at it, and skipped it across the water. 

B. Sandra went back to the room she shared with Nina and began to look for the shell on Nina’s side of the room. 

C. “I don’t remember. I’m sorry.” 

D. “Now it belongs to both of us,” she said.

D. “Now it belongs to both of us,” she said.


This question applies to Paper Chairs You Can Sit on:
According to the passage, what is one benefit of using paper to make furniture?

It reduces the need for cutting down trees and helps in recycling old paper.


Which sentence uses a possessive noun correctly? 

A. My parrots’ beak was a bright yellow. 

B. Sarah borrowed her brother’s mittens.

C. We can use the schools’ camera to film. 

D. The two team’s colors were the same green.

B. Sarah borrowed her brother’s mittens.


"Gracie loathed curly hair. She hated how her head looked like a bundle of springs." What does the word "loathed" mean in the passage?



A student is writing a research report about trees. Read the sentences from the student’s report and the directions that follow.

Trees are important, and we should plant more of them. Trees give people and animals food. Apples, peaches, nuts, and other foods grow on trees. Trees can give shade in hot weather. They help an area stay cool, so less electricity is used. Not only are trees useful, but they are beautiful. If you are able to help plant a tree, you should do it. The student took additional notes about trees.

Choose two notes that support the student’s opinion. Choose two. 

A. Trees take many years to grow tall. 

B. Trees provide a place for animals to live.

C. The trunk of a tree is protected by its bark. 

D. Trees put oxygen in the air for us to breathe.

E. Many kinds of trees grow in parks around our country. 

F. You should give a tree plenty of water after planting it.

B. Trees provide a place for animals to live. 

D. Trees put oxygen in the air for us to breathe.


What lesson did Gracie learn from her experience with cutting her hair?

appreciate how she was born/ her curly hair


This question applies to Plastic that Mends Itself:  
How does the new kind of plastic described in the passage differ from traditional plastics?

It repairs itself when cracks appear.


Which form of the verb BEST completes the sentence? Last May, Rita _____ a soccer team. 

A. will join 

B. joins 

C. has joined 

D. joined

D. joined


"As large curls fell into the sink, she became vexed." What does the word "vexed" mean in the passage?



Which idea from “School Starts Too Early” explains why students would do a better job with homework if school started later? 

A. “School should start later in the morning.” 

B. “. . . students would be more interested in their classes.” 

C. “. . . they wouldn’t be as tired at night.”

D. “Let half the students come at the normal time.”

C. “. . . they wouldn’t be as tired at night.”


How do I know that a passage is fiction?

There are characters and dialogue 


This question applies to Plastic that Mends Itself:
How does the passage suggest that traditional plastic products contribute to environmental issues?

By piling up as old, broken plastic that takes a long time to decompose


I just heard that my friend took his young dog to the vet. Which sentence correctly explains how the underlined word is used? 

A. The underlined word tells where the vet is. 

B. The underlined word describes the friend. 

C. The underlined word tells what the friend did. 

D. The underlined word describes the dog.

D. The underlined word describes the dog.


"Before she made the call, Mom leafed through the hairstyle magazine." What does the word "leafed" mean in the passage?

turn through quickly
