Music term that tells you to gradually get louder.
What is a crescendo?
Uniform part that uses both rank slip-ons.
What is the blue DEU shirt?
Time signature for bold aviator.
What is 3/4 time?
Rank usually given to those who are IC's of their flights.
What is a Flight Sergeant?
Note equivalent to 2 half notes.
What is a whole note?
Type of badge placed centred between shoulder seam and elbow.
What are rank badges?
Song played after the first General Salute.
What is O Canada?
The day which 758 Argus was originally formed.
A staff that has both bass clef and treble clef
What is the grand staff?
Drill movement when the raised mace is dropped on the left foot (during mark-time).
What is halt?
Most recent piece introduced to you.
What is White Cliffs of Dover?
Event that happens in October and April to help raise funds.
What is tagging?
Note enharmonic to C#.
What is a wedge?
Song played in cut time (our usual).
What is Magnificent 7?
Our current band officer.
Who is OCdt Hayward?
Music term that tells you to repeat to the beginning until you reach "fine".
What is D.C. al fine?
Drill movement to make 360 degree turn by 4 paces.
What is a counter march?
Song typically played a beat after a flag party command.
What is Maple Leaf Forever?
The air cadet motto.
What is To Learn - To Serve - To Advance?