What does this symbol mean: b
What is Flat
The most common color of the imposter
What is Red?
The most common instrument associated with Jazz
What is Saxophone?
How to find perimeter in a square
What is adding all of the sides?
The color of the jacket he wears all the time
What is Brown?
What does this symbol mean: #
What is sharp
The name of the meme yellow dog
The lowest pitched instrument of the guitar family
What is Bass?
The 16th President
Abraham Lincoln
Does Hobbs have a beard
What is yes? (r u blind?)
How many notes are there
What is 7
The famous bee who makes the statement "Ya like Jazz?"
Barry B Benson
Has 6 strings
What is guitar?
Area of a triangle
What is "1/2b x h"?
What is below?
What are the numbers at the beginning of a piece of music called?
What is Time Signature
The thing which is cooking
What is The Rock?
Another name for "Tenor Drums"
What is Quads?
Hello there!
What is General Kenobi?
How many daughters does Hobbs have?
What is 3?
What is the symbol for playing soft in music look like
What is p?
The common meme associated with Toby Maguire's Spider-Man
What is "Pizza Time"?
What mellophones usually play during concert season
What is French Horn
The number of lightsaber combat forms
What is 7?
Hobbs' favorite band