Has Bb and Eb in the key signature
Sharp sign
Half note plus quarter note in 4/4
This key signature is au naturel (all natural)
What is C Major
D.C. al fine
Half note plus quarter note in cut time
How many beats
1 1/2 beats
The first four flats
Bb, Eb, Ad, D,
Means go back to the sign and take the coda
What is D.S. al Coda?
Overall value is double of what it is made up of
What is the triplet rule?
First four sharps
F#, C#, G#, D#
Repeat a measure
Adds half of the value of what it follows
A dot
F#, C#, G#, D#, A# What key
B Major
Means go back to the sign and take the coda
What DS. al Coda
1e 2e+ 1e 2