What instrument played the "Gliss" in Ghost in the Graveyard?
How many beats is this?
whole note + Half note + Quarter note =
Which song did we play 2nd on the winter concert?
African Bell Carol
What instrument is in the woodwind family, made of metal, and has a single reed?
What is a tie?
A curved line connecting two notes of the same pitch/sound.
How many band songs did we play at the Costume Concert?
How many beats is this?
Whole note + Whole note + half note=
Which song started out slow and got faster at measure 21?
All I want for Christmas is You
What two instruments use double reeds?
Oboe and Bassoon
At the beginning of each song, what tells you what flats or sharps to play?
Key Signature
In which song did we have a D.S. al Coda?
Ghosts in the Graveyard
How many beats is this?
Dotted Half note + half note + Quarter note+ whole note=
What sound effect was made at the end of the song in Winter Winds?
What brass instrument is the lowest sounding instrument?
What is the "dot" called that is above or below a note to show a different articulation?
Which song had a "Music Jumpstart"?
Midnight Sky
How many beats is this?
Whole note x Whole note=
What time signature was used in African Bell Carol?
3/4 Time Signature
What is the name of the 4 copper hammered drums?
What is the italian term for "play loudly then immediately playing soft"?
Forte piano
What style of music did the Percussion Ensemble play?
How many beats is this?
Whole note + Whole note + Half note + Half note + 1 pair of eighth notes
Which sections were the main melody in "All I want For Christmas is You" at measure 25-33?
French Horn, Alto Saxophone, Trumpets
In African Bell Carol, what was the percussion instrument called that has beads surrounding it?
What is this dynamic called- sfz?