The proper name for the first note of a scale
The Tonic
You do this on the count before releasing a toss or initiating a spin
This senior is section leader for the alto saxes
Bill Morrison
City of Lights
This instrument is the lowest voiced brass instrument we use, and is often first to tune the band
The name of a scale following the step pattern of Whole Whole Half Whole Whole Whole Half
Major Scale
Pitch tosses rotate on this angle
45 degrees
This senior was guard captain this year
Olivia Tran
The name of our field show last year
A smaller, higher-pitched flute
Two notes that have the same pitch but are notated differently are said to be this
This hand pushes on standard rifle tosses
This senior marched in Gold Drum and Bugle Corp this past summer
Isaiah Leal
The name of the position we put our feet at during a halt
First Position
Pitched percussion instrument known as the bells or also
This cadence denotes a IV to I chord progression
Plagal Cadence
This creates the good catching sound on rifles
This senior has a "cult" dedicated to her on Instagram
Jade Robinson
Point "here" at the very end of our field show
The Box
An early form of the trombone used during the Renaissance era
This is where the WGI World Championships is held which is why you should help the color guard raise money for their trip
Dayton, Ohio
This senior has a dad who played saxophone
Lucas Pollacchi
In the Stone
A pianolike instrument that plucks its strings at constant dynamic