This gets one beat in a 4/4 time signature
What is a quarter note?
The note that is flatted in a written F major scale.
What is Bb.
A curved line that connects different notes.
What is a slur?
This is the most important part of the Long Tone Warm Up.
What is the Breath on the rest?
This term refers to how fast or slow the music is played.
What is tempo?
What is an 8th rest?
The flat sign lowers the note this much.
What is a half step?
A curved lined used to connect the same note.
What is a tie?
To play four measures in one breath.
What is four bar phrasing?
This term is used to gradually get slower.
What is ritardando?
A dotted quarter note equals three of these.
What is a 8th Note?
To raise a note a half step you would use this sign.
What is a sharp sign?
This sign means to gradually get louder.
What is a crescendo?
If an instrument plays slightly higher when tuning, that instrument is said to be this.
What is sharp.
This term means to play loud.
What is forte?
Four counts of silence in 4/4.
What is a whole Rest.
The short horizontal lines that are used to extend the staff above or below.
What is a ledger line?
This sign means to hold the note until the conductor gives you a release.
What is a fermata?
When multiple instruments play at the same volume.
What is Balance?
This term means to play very soft.
What is Pianissimo?
12 16th notes is equal to one of these.
What is a dotted half note.
The enharmonic for B flat.
What is A sharp?
Da Capo means to go back to the this part of the music.
What is the beginning?
It would be appropriate to do this if you do not have the melody.
What is play a slightly softer dynamic than marked?
This term means medium soft.
What is mezzo piano?