If you are not able to add a dx to the Dx Field, what do you put in that field?
What is an Order?
Medication Requested
What is the screen name * Found under Patients Tab* that will host all previous requests for a member?
The screen that will host all the work that needs to be done in a specific queue. It can be filtered.
How long is a request locked to an agent who assigns it to themselves?
30 minutes.
We now call MPA's in Banjo what?
Where do we put Internal Notes?
Stepper: Determination. Under Notes section. Clinical will have their own templated section.
Where can I find case's/episodes assigned to me?
Tasks or Home Page
When working a new request, the case will automatically be marked what?
What does FP stand for? Example: Intake FP and Processing FP.
Financial Penalty
PA Notes
On the Main Tool Bar in Bajo, what is housed in the Documentation Screen?
This is kind of like our current Open Docs, if the AI is unable to read the document it will need to be manually entered.
What is the process if Banjo accidently attaches/links the wrong member?
Must cancel current request as Wrong Member Attached. Detach the fax from the request. Once you detach it will fall into Documentation Queue, and you will find the original fax and attach the correct member and work the case.
Stepper #3: Clinical Review. Does this mean it is in our Clinical Department for review?
No. This is where we currently choose the correct document/ Decision Tree to answer our question set. Criteria for the medication to be approved.
This screen is used to ask clinical criteria question sets. Should auto-populate the correct one depending on our members plan and drug.
Decision Tree
If I want to start a New Prior Authorization, where can I do?
Prior Authorization Screen. Click New PA. Or you can search for a member in the Patient Tab, General Search and click New PA in the right hand corner.
If you lose the ability to scroll on the screen, what must you do?
Click Refresh.
What is the Kabab?
The 3 little dots that allows us to have more options. Assign to self, Assing to queue, link request.
Where can we tell if our Override/MPA was built successfully?
PA Notes. Effectuation Success
The Screen that holds a general overview. Has Task's assigned to you along with other queue work.
Home Screen