Send as payment through the mail
Conducts the nation's monetary policy to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates in the U.S. economy.
The Federal Reserve
What type of account holds money that a customer does not plan to spend immediately?
This financial institution helps everyday customers and small businesses with everyday transactions.
Commercial Bank
Coins collectively
Buy now and pay later when at the store...
Credit Card or Line of Credit
Who guarantees currency?
The country of issue
What type of account is used regularly and handles day-to-day transactions?
A financial intermediary is an entity that acts as a(n) ___________________ between two parties in a financial transaction.
If Larry purchases a power bar, he is using money as:
A Medium of Exchange
Maria paid her bill with a plastic card with a Visa logo that is tied directly to her checking account. What is she using?
Debit Card
What serves as a financial intermediary?
A Bank
Which type of account functions like a savings account, but limits the number of transactions?
Money Market
This financial institution was formed by military personnel to meet their financial needs. What type of institution is this?
Credit Union
Digital currency that does not have a physical form?
Valerie has a plastic card that she can only use to withdraw money directly from her checking account. She cannot use this card to make purchases. What is she using?
ATM Card
What does FDIC stand for?
For an extra 500 points, what does the FDIC do?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency created by the Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation's financial system by: insuring deposits; examining and supervising financial institutions for safety and soundness and consumer protection, etc.
Which type of account is also a type of loan, which the customer has access to for a set amount of time?
Line of Credit
An item that is widely accepted as payment for goods and services.
A Medium of Exchange
A fee paid to use someone else's money
These 3 things can direclty access your checking account...
Name all three and get an extra 300 points
ATM Card
Debit Card
What entity implements policies concerning the availability of money and its cost?
The Federal Reserve System
What type of account holds money that is guaranteed for a specific rate of interest for a specified amount of time?
Certificate of Deposit
This financial institution can only be accessed using a computer or smart device. What type of institution is this?
Online Banking
What does ATM stand for?
Automated Teller Machine