If there is a balance on your credit card, you must pay _____ on what you owe.
An RESP is used to save money for: _________
a child's post-secondary education
What movie did some people in the class watch this week?
Instant Family
What is another word that Canadians use for 'dollars'?
$10 = 10 bucks
Which pair of words are 'homophones'?
trash - garbage
childhood - adulthood
blue - blew
read - read
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.
Answer: blue - blew
Use the verb 'borrow' in a sentence.
Various answers.
She borrowed my stapler but never gave it back.
What does TFSA stand for?
TAX-FREE Savings Account
How many children did the family adopt?
3 children
Give an example of something that 'costs an arm and a leg'.
Various answers
**Something very expensive
Which sentence is best?
We've studied online with Zoom.
We've been studying online with Zoom.
Various answers, depending on reasoning.
We've been studying online with Zoom (gives the feeling that we are STILL doing it, and that it has been happening for a while now.)
We've studied online with Zoom (gives the idea of an experience, something we have done. It's not as clear if it is still happening or not)
If you owe money to someone else, you are ___ debt.
in debt
She owes me five bucks.
I owe you a favour. I am in debt to you.
Which type of investment would you choose for yourself or your family right now?
Various answers
What is the name of the teenage daughter in the movie we watched?
Give an example of something that is 'a dime a dozen'.
Various answers.
**Something very cheap that is common and easy to get.
***She's gone to the grocery store.***
What word does the 's represent, is or has?
She's gone. = IS
If you have a fixed-term mortgage, the interest rate ____________.
stays the same for the whole term.
Fixed is the opposite of variable.
If you have a fixed-term mortgage, the interest rate ______________.
stays the same for the whole term.
Fixed is the opposite of variable.
Did you watch, "Instant Family"?
Yes? Give a summary of the movie in two sentences (MAX).
No? Give a summary of a recent movie you've watched in two sentences (MAX).
Various answers
Example: Instant Family is a movie about a couple that decides to adopt 3 foster children. It shows the struggles they go through in adapting to have an "instant family"
If you have a nice 'nest egg', what do you have?
A large sum of money saved (for retirement)
When you get cold, your body may start to shake a little. What is the verb for this?
Can you use it in a sentence?
Various sentences.
I am so cold that I'm shivering.
The amortization of a typical mortgage in Canada is between _____ and _____ years.
~20 - 30 years
(Amortization period - The total amount of time it will take to pay off your mortgage)
What is one benefit of depositing money into an RRSP?
Various answers, but most commonly:
To reduce the amount of income tax you pay that year.
(You pay taxes on the money when you withdraw it)
Have you been to the movie theatre in Vernon?
How much do you think it costs for one ticket, popcorn, and a drink?
Movie ticket = ~$13-15
Popcorn & drink combo = ~$15-20
Were you 'born with a silver spoon in your mouth'?
Give an example with your answer
Various answers
**Born with a silver spoon in your mouth = children of very wealthy parents/families
From January 17 - 23, how many positive COVID cases were there in Vernon?