Authors With Banned Books
Banned Books Turned Movies

This story was banned because it depicts women in unconventionaal roles. It features a lion, scarecrow, and tin man.

What is The Wizard of Oz.


The story was considered a bad influence, too dark, and it glorified witchcraft. It is a seven book series, with three main characters.

What is Harry Potter


This author has written a lot of children's books, including Junie B. Jones, and Are You There God? It's Me Margaret. She is outspoken regarding book banning (she disagrees with banning).

Who is Judy Blume


This country's government still bans many books from their people though it has a lot of people. 

What is China


comic-book-style stories about the adventures of two fourth-graders and their superhero principal has been banned "for offensive language and modeling bad behavior

Captain Underpants

It was banned for racism, profanity, foul language, violence. It features two main characters; one freakishly strong who likes to pet mice and wants to raise rabbits.

What is Of Mice and Men


The book was banned from several classrooms in Pennsylvania on accounts of “profanity, disrespect for adults, and an elaborate fantasy world that might lead to confusion.” It is the story of two children who create a world together then one dies.

What is Bridge to Terabithia


He has written many horror stories like The Shining. Many of his books appear on the banned book list.

Who is Stephen King


This book was banned for being "too depressing." It is the story of a young Jewish girl during WWII.

What is The Diary of Anne Frank


A three book series turned into a four part movie franchise. Headed by the Girl on Fire.

What is The Hunger Games


Banned for its controversial subjects and view of human nature, the plot is shipwrecked children try to govern themselves and nothing goes right.

What is Lord of the Flies


 The parents charged that the book “opposes Christian beliefs and teaches occult practices. The novel follows a 13-year-old on her journey to rescue her father. 

A Wrinkle in Time


She wrote a classic story featuring a father who defends a black man while trying to care for his children in Alabama. She created the character Boo Radley

Who is Harper Lee


This is the most common person who challenges books.

What is a parent


In Laytonville, CA in 1989 a parent who owned a logging business tried to have the book removed from his child's school's reading list because he said it was "criminalizing the logging industry" but was unsuccessful.

The Lorax


It was banned for liberal use of profanity and portrayal of sexuality and teenage angst. The main character is named Holden Caulfield.

What is The Catcher in the Rye


Banned in a Kansas school district because parents argued that "talking animals are blasphemous and unnatural

Charlotte's Web


His most famous stories have almost all been banned at sometime. His most famous feature giant fruit, giant bugs, magical children, and a chocolate factory.

Who is Roald Dahl


The most common place books are challenged or banned.

What is public or school libraries


Follows a gang of boys who live on the bad side of town. Its the Socs versus the Greasers.

What is The Outsiders


Banned for the book's portrayal of slaves in the antebellum South and for the immoral behavior of its heroine, Scarlett O'Hara. It takes place during the Civil War.

What is Gone with the Wind


The book was banned and then reprinted because it originally showcased a topless beachgoer (not like anyone could find her if they tried, though).

What is Where's Waldo


An author of many banned classics. Mostly stories of two boys named Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer.

Who is Mark Twain


Most common reason for banning books. There are three right answers.

What is sexually explicit, offensive language, and unsuited for age group.


A popular children's book that starts with a boy not eating his soup and moves to dancing with monsters.

What is Where the Wild Things Are
