What River Did Jesus Get Baptized In?
The Jordan River
What special oil is used in baptism?
Myron Oil
What is used in Baptism to symbolize washing away sins?
How Many Days After Birth Does a Boy get Baptized?
40 Days After
Who baptized Jesus?
St. John The Baptist
How many times can you be baptized?
True or False: The Priest Prays During the Baptismal Prayer?
Who does the Baptism?
Priest or Bishop
What Feast Celebrates the Baptism of Christ?
Theophany Feast (11th of Tobe)
What day of the week do Baptisms typically happen?
Can a believer baptize a baby in an emergency?
What color do you wear after baptism?
What did the voice from heaven say when Jesus was Baptized?
"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." - Matthew 3:17
What does the priest say when he baptizes someone?
I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
What is Baptism Necessary For (and Verse)?
Our Salvation
"He who believes and is baptized will be saved” – Mk 16:16
What shapes can the Baptism Font be in?
Circular and Square Shape