Giving a coin to a poor person.
What is Tzdaka?
Done before saying "Hamotzie".
What is Netilat Yada'im?
The master of the universe.
What is Adon Olam?
Israel's birthday
What is Yom Hatzma'ut?
Something you wear.
What is an outfit?
When you don't join the game but go visiting a sick friend.
What is Bikur Cholim?
These are blessings that are said during Shacharit.
What are Birkot Hashachar?
What is Modeh Ani?
At the end of 210 years of slavery.
What is Yetzi'at Mitzra'im?
A special movie.
What is a video?
Waiting to ask mom something because she is napping.
What is Kibud Horim?
Placed on your head and close to your heart as of Bar Mitzva.
What are Tefilin?
Every Friday evening.
What is Kabalat Shabbat?
Israel's shortest war.
What is Sheshet Ha'yamim war?
Going to a special place.
What is a trip to The Kotel?
Asking a crying child what is wrong.
What is Chesed?
Sharing and remembering by ladies.
What is Hafrashat Challah?
A group of 18.
What is Amidah?
Celebrating the day Jerusalem was united.
What is Yom Yerushala'im?
The weekly portion.
What is The Parasha?
Receiving a basket of goodies on Purim.
What is Mishlo'ach Manot?
A mitzvah of study.
What is Limud Torah?
Includes parts of the Torah & promises.
What is Shma?
When the few won against the many.
What is Chanukah?
Something fun.
What is a party?