Adding on Sets
Taking away sets
Comparing Sets
Two Step problems

Kevin scores 78 points in the first game.  He scores 85 points in the second game.  How many points did he score in both games?

163 points


The art teacher has 138 markers in a box.  She adds 55 markers to the box.  How many markers does she have in all?

193 markers


The school has 500 students.  248 students go on a trip to the zoo.  How many students stayed at school?

252 students


The girl uses 64 inches of ribbon.  She uses 37 less than her sister.  How many inches did her sister use?

101 inches

The bus drives 341 miles.  The car drives 279 more miles than the bus.

1) How far does the bus drive?

2) How far does the bus and car drive altogether?

1) 620

2) 961


There are 147 fish in a pond.  49 of the are black.  The rest are orange.  How many fish are orange?

98 fish are orange

There are 88 people in a movie theater.  127 more people come into the theater.  How many people are in the theater now?

215 people


Mr. Miller's toy store has 102 stuffed animals.  He sells 76 of them.  How many stuffed animals are there now?

26 stuffed animals


A red box has 326 marbles.  The red box has 78 fewer marbles than the blue box.  How many marbles are in the blue box?

404 marbles


There are 22 boys and 16 girls in 2nd grade.  There are 5 more children in 3rd grade than 2nd grade.

1) How many children are in 2nd grade?

2) How many children are in 3rd grade?

1) 38

2) 43


98 boys sign up for a school camp.  154 girls sign up for the same camp.  How many children sign up for the school camp?

252 children


There are 78 biscuits.  The baker bakes 159 more biscuits.  How many biscuits are there now?

237 biscuits


Sarah has 147 stickers.  She gives away 49 stickers.  How many does she have now?

98 stickers


There are 586 erasers.  There are 137 fewer pencils than erasers.  How many pencils are there?

449 pencils


Tom has 275 comic books in his collection.  Chris sells 82 comic books to Tom.  Then Chris has 148 comic books left.  How many more comic books does Tom have than Chris now?

209 comic books


Jordan and Ling have 472 trading cards.  Ling has 178 trading cards.  How many cards does Jordan have?

294 trading cards


The library has 683 books.  The librarian orders 235 more books.  How many books are there now?

918 books


A fruit store has 742 has apples to sell.  It sells 258 apples.  How many apples are left to sell?

484 apples


952 children go to the beach.  265 fewer adults than children go to the beach.  How many adults go to the beach?

687 adults


Pam uses 328 seashells in a craft project.  Sharon uses 85 more seashells than Pam for her project.  How many seashells do they use altogether?

741 seashells


Lee has 528 United States stamps and Israeli stamps.  He has 249 United States stamps.  How many Israeli stamps does he have?

279 Israeli stamps


There are 2945 rocks in the big bucket.  A boy adds 486 more.  How many rocks are in the big bucket now?



The baker set out 405 cookies to cool on the counter.  278 of the cookies fell on the floor.  How many cookies are still on the counter?

127 cookies


234 skiers were in the competition. There are 159 fewer skiers than snowboarders at the competition.  How many snowboarders are at the competition?  

393 snowboarders


The pet store has 420 goldfish for sale.  It has 88 more guppies than goldfish.  Tomorrow it will get 55 more guppies.  how many guppies will the pet store have then?

563 guppies
