Which hair characteristic is an indication of the strength of the cortex, including cross-bonds and melanin molecules?
What is Elasticity?
hair characteristic do you use to determine the subsection size to use to assure proper coverage of the hair color or lighten?
What is Density?
hair with high porosity _____ Than other porosity levels
what is may absorb the color product quickly but fade quickly?
the factors that determine what natural hair colors look like include _____
what is the total number and size of the pigment granules?
_____ Hair is the color of keratin without melanin
What is white?
Mixing equal amounts of one primary color with _____ Yields a tertiary color
What is One of its adjacent secondary colors?
What is the term for the pigment that lies under the natural hair color?
what is Undertone?
The human eye sees only six basic colors, _____
what is Three primary and three secondary?
Primary colors _____
What is cannot be created by combining other colors?
Blue is ___
what is A cool primary color?
A secondary color is created by
what is mixing equal amounts of two primary colors?
mixing equal parts of _____ creates green
What is Yellow and blue?
Complementary colors are positioned ____ on the color wheel
What is Directly opposite each other?
Hair with a ____ Texture takes color faster and may appear darker than other textures.
what is Fine?
when _____ are mixed in equal parts, they neutralize each other.
what is orange and blue?
Yellow is the complementary color of ____
what is Violet?
tone is the ____ Of a color
what is Warmth and coolness?
Blue, Green, and violet are considered ____ Colors
what is Drab or ash?
In hair coloring the level system is used to analyze the ____ Of a hair color
what is Lightness or darkness?
The degree of concentration of pigment or amount of pigment in the color is also known as the _____
What is saturation?
Violet helps minimize ____ Tones
what is Yellow?
temporary hair color is made up of the ____ Molecules.
what is Largest?
____ hair color has an alkaline pH
what is Permanent?
Color-enhancing shampoos are a combination of a ____ With a shampoo
what is Color rinse?
_____ Hair color fades gradually
what is semipermanent?