17 years old
How old is Skipper?
14 years old
What is the age difference between Stacie and Chelsea
4 years (Stacie is 10 and Chelsea is 6)
What is Daisy's hair color?
How many brothers does Trey Reardon have?
0, he's an only child
Who does Barbie share a room with?
No one. She gets her own room.
What is the color of the stripe in Skipper's hair?
When Chelsea and Stacie think Barbie is a vampire, who do they ask for help?
Trey Reardon (spoiler: he is not helpful)
Who's Barbie's school's mascot?
Who is the boss of the Reardon Family?
Poppy Reardon
Which one of these skills is Barbie bad at?
a. Baking
b. Engineering
c. Barbie's great at all of these skills
c. Barbie's great at all of these skills
Skipper goes to
a. Chelsea's school
b. Stacie's school
c. Barbie's school
c. Barbie's school
True or False:
Stacie sometimes unties her hair.
False. It's always in a ponytail. I wonder how she would look with her hair down.
Who ran for city council to make sure that dogs will always be allowed on the beach?
How many friends does Trey Reardon have (the show shows them hanging out with him a lot)?
2, the two brothers
What school does Barbie go to?
Golden Beach High
True or False:
Skipper has straight hair.
False. She straightens it every day right before we see her.
Lol kidding, the answer is true.
At least, I think it is.
Which one of these sports does the movie NOT show Stacie play:
a. Football
b. Basketball
c. Soccer
a. Football
Which one of Barbie's friends is always wearing a hat?
Trey doesn't want to be friends with Barbie because..
he doesn't like her. Surprisingly, she took a while to get the message.
Which one of these are absolutely normal items to bring with you when going outside, regardless of where you are going?
a. A tape measure
b. A swimsuit (worn under your shirt)
c. A helmet
d. All of the above
d. All of the above
"Skull related emergencies happen more often than you think"
True or False
Skipper loves hugs, even more than Barbie.
False. I'm pretty sure I've seen her wince a little when Barbie hugs her too much.
Chelsea believes in the...
a. House fairy
b. Roof fairy
c. Floor fairy
d. Tooth fairy
e. Tinkerbell
f. a & c
g. b & d
h. a, b, c, d & e
f. b & d
(The Roof Fairy and the Tooth fairy)
What is the color Teresa wears the most?
What is a fun, family bonding activity?
a. Watching TV together
b. Going out on a walk together
c. Completing an art craft together
d. Dumping trash on your neighbor's front yard so they lose the "Family of Malibu" competition together.
d. Dumping trash on your neighbor's front yard so they lose the "Family of Malibu" competition together.
This one is hardly even a question.