Which brand is this
water wipes
Fever readings for a baby under 3 months old (Whats considered high temperature)
38 and higher
Name the number of weeks a women is pregnant for
40 weeks
name 2 dr majda’s last names:
dr majda ……
dr majda ……
dr majda alyatama
dr majda kmeikh
which app is this
yahaal app
name the brand
seba med
what are 3 important steps to take before a bath
- check the temperature of the water
- keep the bathroom warm
- gather all supplies / towels / clothes inside the bathroom
name the trimester that stretch marks appear
second trimester
at what age do babies smile
6-12 weeks
Jack and jill went up the hill ______________________ and Jill came tumbling after.
Jack and jill went up the hill _to fetch a pail of water, jack fell down… and broke his crown_ and Jill came tumbling after.
whats the name of this stroller
what do you do when a baby sleeps while you’re feeding it
rub the ear
name the trimester that morning sickness is mostly associated with
first trimester
Name the most common birth month in kuwait
Humpty dumpty sat on the wall
couldnt put humpty together again.
Humpty dumpty sat on the wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall
all the kings horses, and all the kings men
couldnt put humpty together again.
which brand is this
4 basics of handling a new born (at least 3 right)
name the FRUIT that a uterus
will stretch to the size of during pregnancy
name the hospital AND the hospital room
alsalam hospital - dasman room
Name 5 toys apps in kuwait (quietly so the other team doesnt get your points)
-fantasy world
-toys master
-toys R us
name the brand
if a baby cries, what do you do?
- check if hungry
- check the pampers
- check the sleeping schedule
Whats the age of the oldest woman recorded to give birth
74 years
royal hayat emergency number
2536 - - - -
2536 0000
which insta account is this