What should you do after going to your locker?
Go into your Homeroom and go to your assigned seat.
What do you do when you want to answer a question, or contribute to the classroom conversation?
Raise your hand
What do you do on break?
Go to the washroom or locker, if needed. Make your way to your next class.
What is the purpose of the school washrooms?
To use the washroom
Name a lunch location to eat your lunch?
Learning Commons
When do you get an item from the Grab and Go breakfast basket?
As soon as you enter the building?
What can be done in the classroom that is an inappropriate way to contribute to the conversation?
Blurting out
What is Barnhill's electronic policy?
Phones are not to be seen or heard at school.
When should you go to the washroom?
Breaks and lunch
What happens on indoor lunch hours?
Find a location and stay there the whole time.
What do you do if you are hungry when you arrive at school?
Go grab an item from the Grab and Go breakfast basket?
What is the basic material you need to bring to every single class?
A pencil
What must you do when you leave your classroom?
Sign in and out
When the teacher gives you the permission to go to the washroom, what is the process?
Sign out, and record time when leaving.
Sign in, and record time when returning.
There is not enough time to eat when switching spots.
Supervision is important to ensure safety.
What do you do during Oh Canada, and the Land Acknowledgement?
Stand to show respect and remain quiet.
Why is it important to be on time?
The class can start promptly
What is the process if your phone is seen by a staff member?
If the 1st time the phone must go to the office until the end of the day.
2nd time - Phone call
3rd time - Parent/Guardian will pick it up
If you are on the 2nd floor (main floor) which washroom, should you use?
2nd floor
Always use the washroom on the floor you are on
What time do you go outside?
Who should be in the hallway after announcements?
No one
How many students, from the class, should be out of the classroom at the same time?
Why is it important to have calm and quietness in the hallways?
Classes are in session.
There are no speakers in the hallway, and it is important to hear all announcements.
Who is responsibility for keeping the washroom tidy?
The users of the washroom - the students
What is the purpose of 2nd Homeroom?
Attendance and to help you prepare for the afternoon.