Agile Alliances
Feedback Frenzy
Automation Adventures
Pipeline Perfection

These two principles best address dependency management, which is critical to the success of Industrial DevOps. 

What is 'organizing around value' and 'architecting for speed'?

These 2 things are the key to success. 

What are people and culture?


These types of questions/conversations can lead to defensiveness versus the exchange of new ideas.

What are "why" conversations?


This approach means listening more than talking and asking more questions than offering statements.

What is persuasive listening?

  • Lack of a growth mindset and hesitancy to rethink current ways of working.
  • Lack of skills and experience hinders the scaling of industrial devops.
  • Lack of engagement and organizational alignment leaves people unmoved.
  • Challenges with complexity and dependencies and scaling across teams of Agile teams.
  • Challenges with regulated environments.

What are barriers and challenges to Industrial DevOps Adoption?


This theory helps explain individual decision biases and describes how individuals make decisions under conditions of uncertainty .

What is the Prospect Theory?


This capability enables fast feedback loops and shift-left practices. 

What are digital capabilities? 


This model addresses the needs of specific user groups being impacted by the change.  The 5 areas the organization must plan for are building Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.

What is the Prosci ADKAR model?


A shared commitment with leaders that have the authority and ability to change the existing system.

What is build a powerful guiding coalition for change?


These emerging capabilities help in the development of what type of systems: 3D printing, additive manufacturing, digital threads, digital twins, and virtual reality and augmented reality.

What are physical systems?


41% of responders note this as a significant barrier to Agile adoption."

What is absence of leadership participation and inadequate management support and sponsorship?


This type of organizational alignment creates more dependencies, hand-offs, and bottlenecks . 

What is functional areas/alignment?


This principle puts a cross-functional team together capable of completing all of the work across the value stream.

What is "organize for the flow of value"?


This is a misperception that Agile and DevOps do not lend themselves to this type of environment.  

What is a regulated environment? 

  • Management support and training management
  • Providing training on methods and coaching as teams learn
  • Effective training and workshops and coaching support
  • Having change agents and champions actively engages in the transition.
  • Early adopter pilot programs and communities of practice to build expertise and learning.

What are success patterns?


These two things impact the speed and teams' ability to deliver value.

What is complexity and dependency management?
