How far apart should cots be?
18 inches
How often should the mop water & mop head be changed
Every use.
What do we need if a child has a food/environmental allergy and needs rescue medication?
Allergy plan (a copy for the room, office, kitchen) and any rescue meds.
If the child does not like what is being served, do we offer alternates?
Can you cut fingernails or remove splinters?
If a baby falls asleep on the floor, what should you do?
Move them to their crib
Where should all cleaners be stored in the classroom?
How often should med sheets be filled out and signed? When do you need to have one filled out?
Every 30 days for as long as the item remains at HIH.
For anything that is brought into HIH by the parent for us to use on their child. (Tylenol, sunscreen, diaper cream, chapstick, boogie wipes, gas drops, eye drops, etc.)
Do the children get seconds?
If there is enough for everyone to have more
Twice a day
When a baby is sleeping, what should be in their crib?
Just the baby, mattress, sheet!
What should all spray bottles be labeled with?
MSDS stickers.
Bobby's mom made him a diaper cream per the recommendations of their doctor. His mom brings in the cream in a Tupperware container along with the doctors note. Can we use this cream on bobby?
No. Why? (150 bonus points)
How should all meals be served?
Family Style
Where should the chairs be at all times?
Around the tables, NEVER stacked.
If child in your room is not a napper, what can they during naptime?
Quiet activities on their cot or at the table. (once everyone else is sleeping)
What is the dwell time for disinfectant?
10 min
Where should medications be stored?
In a medication bucket, away from children.
Where should food thermometers be?
Preschool fridge, toddler fridge & freezer, kitchen fridge & freezer.
If you need to leave the classroom while DHS is here, what do you need to do?
Call the office to get covered
Name 3 things staff should be doing during naptime:
cleaning, hanging up art, memory books, prepping for PM or next day, working on other projects.
What are the proper steps to wash a table?
Staff wash hands (bonus point), spray soapy water, wipe off, spray sanitizer, let sit for 2 min and wipe or air dry.
What is the proper way to apply sunscreen?
What is the 3 step process to handwashing dishes?
Soapy water, rinse, sanitizer. Or the sanitizer option on the dishwashers.
What are the ratios that HIH goes by?
Infants 1:4, tots 1:4, 2's 1:6, 3's 1:8, 4's 1:12
Bonus points (150) If we are in a pickle, what ratio can the 2's and 3's go by?