Name the rule: If a word has only 1 vowel, and ends with F, L, S or Z, double it.
Floss Rule
What is the Cry Baby rule?
American words don't end in I.
Syllable Division Rule #1
If there is 1 letter between the vowels move it towards the end (to the right). If that doesn't make a real word, move it the other way.
Name 3 units that start with A
When making a contraction which word do you change?
The second word
Name this rule: Spell /k/ with a C whenever you can.
Kiss the Cat Rule
How many sounds does long U have?
2 sounds
How would you split the word:
Ost is pronounced with a long O sound except for these 3 words.
Lost, Frost, Cost.
What 2 things does every sentence need? (Punctuation)
A capital letter at the beginning of the word and an end mark at the end.
Name this rule: The only time you use C-K is right after a short vowel.
Milk Truck Rule
What is the Fancy Nancy Rule?
/see/ at the end of a word is spelled C-Y
Syllable Division Rule #2
If there are 2 letters between the vowels you split them. But never split a:
Rotten Letter
Name 3 units that end in -NG.
Ung, Ong, Ing, Ang
Every syllable needs a...?
Name this rule: The only time you use T-C-H is right after a short vowel.
Catch Lunch Rule
What are the Watch Out Vowels?
E, I or Y
How would you split the words:
What is a unit?
3 letters at the end of a word that make an unusual sound.
What do you need to make a C say /s/?
A watch out vowel -E, I or Y
What are units?
3 letters at the end that make an unusual sound.
Y says what at the end of a multi-syllable word?
/ee/ like Baby
If the first syllable is closed will it say it's name?
No. Closed syllables are short.
all, ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk, oll, old, olt, ost.
Floss only applies to how many syllable words?