what is.. the percentage to pass a quiz
voice level 0-1
what is.. work time volume level
80% of your points
what is.. Gold level up
what is.. dismissal expectations
what is.. how many boxes you need "mastered" or "green" to pass basecamp
what is.. percentage to pass a test
be in a chair/seated
what is.. dismissal expectations
90% of your points
what is... eagle level up
3 times a day
# of bathroom breaks per day
self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making
what is.. high school learner traits
show me your guided notes (completed)
what is... how to get a 3rd retake
not using swear words, offensive language, gang related slurs, etc.
what is.. speaking appropriately and effectively
Eating in cafeteria, walking without an escort, bringing 2 of your own drinks & snacks
what is.. Gold privileges
line up against wall, not venturing into other hallways, staying with your escort, waiting your turn, letting staff check before and after your entry
what is.. bathroom expectations
day 5, day 10, day 15
Show me all guided notes in the unit
what is.. how to get a retake on a unit test
treating others how you want to be treated
what is... mutal respect
eating in cafeteria, bringing 2 of own drinks and snacks, keeping your phone through the day, door dashing lunch, using the "nest" in the library
what is... eagle expectations
staying next to your escort, not ahead, not behind
what is.. hallway expectations/walking with your escort
repeat Basecamp for a 2nd time, going homebound/not continuing at Summit
what is.. consequence of not passing Basecamp
Edegenuity tutor, edgenuity teacher, Mr. Jonathan & Mr. Deyounge
what is.. academic resources
being able to repeat back what has been said, one voice
what is...active listening
12 points
what is..max amount of points you can earn a day
voice level 0 in the hallways
what is..hallway voice expectations