The Dodgers and the Giants
Synonyms and Antonyms and context clues
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
America's Baseball Anthem
Take Me Out to the Ballgame and

This article primarily discusses

how two New York City baseball teams became California teams


Which is the closest antonym for the word 'plummet', as it is used in the text? (The Dodgers and the Giants)



Which lines from the passage express the purpose of Katie's song?

Just to cheer up the boys she knew/ She made the gang sing this song 


It was the seventh-inning stretch on a hot, humid day at Wrigley Field. Marina always thought the Chicago summers seemed endless, and the games lasted for hours, but she knew her grandpa loved them. She tried not to think of all of the other places she would rather be. She felt the hard bench on her back, as the scent of hot dogs wafted in the air and the cheers of the crowd rang in her ears. The blazing-hot sun beating down on her cap, she realized it was time for the entire stadium to stand.

How do the phrases “hot, humid day,” “the Chicago summers seemed endless, and the games lasted for hours,” “hard bench on her back,” and “blazing-hot sun beating down on her cap” affect the reader’s understanding of how Marina feels in this paragraph?

They show that she is uncomfortable


How do “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and “America’s Baseball Anthem” represent different aspects of the song “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”?

“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” portrays an individual’s love of the game, while “America’s Baseball Anthem” emphasizes the history behind the song.


In what way does the article contrast the New York Giants with the Brooklyn Dodgers prior to the teams' moves to California?

The New York Giants struggled to win games, whereas the Brooklyn Dodgers had an excellent record.


What is the closed synonym for dilapidated? (The Dodgers and the Giants)



"Katie Casey was baseball mad/Had the fever and had it bad"  Is which type of figurative language?



Provide a summary of the story

A girl watching a baseball game hears the song “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and asks her grandfather to tell her about the history of the song.


How do the perspectives of Katie Casey in “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” and Marina in “America’s Baseball Anthem” differ?  

Katie Casey loves baseball, while Marina is only interested in baseball because of her grandfather


According to the article, which is one reason why the Giants moved to California?

The Giants were experiencing a period of low revenue.


Read this excerpt from “America’s Baseball Anthem.” 

Which word or phrase in the sentence provides the best clue to the meaning of “quintessential” as it is used in this context?

"You couldn't escape it"


"Katie Casey was baseball mad/Had the fever and had it bad"  What does this mean?

Katie is passionate about baseball


How does the female character change at the end of the story?

Although she'd rather be swimming at the town pool, she enjoys spending time with her grandfather.


Which sentence from paragraph 1 in “America’s Baseball Anthem” develops the perspective of Marina identified in Part A?

“Marina always thought the Chicago summers seemed endless, and the games lasted for hours, but she knew her grandpa loved them.”


In the last paragraph, the author presents information about the land on which Dodgers Stadium was built in order to ___________? (In part 1)

reveal the ways the Dodgers' move negatively impacted the citizens of Los Angelos.


What is a synonym for wafted? (America's Baseball Anthem)



What repetition is in the song?

Take me out

root root root


What is the meaning of oppresive?



How are the two stories related?

One is a baseball song, while the other is an explanation of the creation of the song.


Based on the information in the article, which happened LAST?

a. The Giants moved to Candelstick Park

b. The Dodgers won their first home game against the Giants.

c. The Giants played their fist game in the City of San Francisco.

d. People in San Francisco had a welcoming parade for the Giants

The Dodgers won their first home game against the Giants.


What is a synonym for the word 'splashiest'



Name a hyperbole in this piece

 Katie Casey saw all the games, knew every player by their first name


What is the lesson in this story?

spending time with loved ones is priceless


Are the stories nonfiction, fiction, or one is fiction and one is nonfiction?

both fiction
