Unit 9
Unit 10

Put in order the next sentence:

medium- height Shakira is  on the black dress the scenario wearing a woman .

Shakira is the medium- height woman on the scenario wearing a black dress.


What is the simple past and the past perfect of the following verbs?

1. stop

2. try

3. like

4. read

5. do

1. stopped/stopped

2. tried/tried

3. liked/liked

4. read/read

5. did/done


Order the adjectives to create a sentence:

I have_____ _____ ______ hair.

curly, long, black

long, curly, black


What is the correct order to describe hair? Give an example ( bald, blond, black, curly, short, etc)

1. size

2. texture

3. color


She has long straight black hair.


What is the simple past and the past perfect of the following verbs?

1. think

2. teach

3. go

4. choose

5. ride

1. thought/thought

2. taught/taught

3. went/gone

4. chose/chosen

5. rode/ridden


Complete with already, ever and for

1. Have you _____ seen a Harry Potter movie?

2. I have lived in Quito _____ more than 20 years.

3. I have______tried Korean food, have you?

1. ever seen

2. for more

3. already


Complete with the correct preposition: on, in, with, next to

1. Shary is the girl ____ the couch.

2. Evannia is the lady___ jeans and red t-shirt.

3. Sheila is ______ Bryan.

1. on

2. with/in

3. next to


Order the following sentences.

1. Perú I visited already have .

2. My mother and I  cooked  for my years father  I was have 6  old dinner since.

3. had Any has 10 pet for years that.

1. I have already visited Perú.

2. My mother and I have cooked dinner for my father since I was 6 years old.

3. Any has had that pet for 10 years.


Complete with a word of age (young, middle-aged, etc)

1. He is short. He is 7 years old. He is a______.

2. She is not a baby, she is 3 years old. She is a ______.

3. My mother just turned 55 this week. She is _______.

4. My sister never puts her phone away! She is 13 years old. She is a_________.

5. I am 28 years old, so I am a _________.

1. kid/child

2. toddler

3. middle-aged

4. teenager

5. young adult


Correct the following mistakes:

1. Maria is the boy sitting next to Camila.

2. Ashia is the lady wears black clothes.

3. Jorge is the guy on blue jeans and green shoes.

4. Emily and Steven is the guys looking through the window.

1. is the girl

2. wearing

3. in blue jeans...

4. are the guys


Correct the following mistakes concerning simple past and present perfect.

1. I have chose English as my favorite subject many times.

2. She have never eaten octopus before. This is her first time.

3. I didn't liked her attitude yesterday. Why is she so mean?

4. I haven't driven my car ago I broke my arm in a car accident.

1. have chosen

2. has never eaten

3. didn't like

4. ... since I broke my arm...



1. I went to the zoo and saw an________. It is similar to a crocodile.

2. Do you like the _____ style? I don't like it because they wear long flowy dresses with flowers.

3. I went to Warner Bros park in Madrid once. It is a nice_____ ________.

4. I visisted Houston last month and I went to a _______ _______. There, they explained us about the starts and how astronauts live.

1. alligator

2. Boho/Bohemian

3. theme park

4. space center


What are the questions for these answers?

1. My sister's hair is black.

2. Jeremy is the short guy tlaking to George.

3. They're about 19 years old.

4. He is not so tall. Like 1.65 m tall.

1. What color is your sister's hair?

2. Who is Jeremy?

3. How old are they?

4. How tall is he?


Complete with simple past or present perfect.

1. I_____ to the cinema yesterday with my mom. I was very happy because I _____ _____ there with her never in my life. (go)

2. She _____ ______ my calls yesterday night. Where was she? (answer)

3. I______ Asian food with my boyfriend last summer. I was surprised it was so tasty because I ______ ______ it before and I didn't like it. (try)

4. _____ you ever____ a very expensive present for your wife? (get)

5. Hello! how ____ you___ this last year? I haven't seen you around. (be)

1. went/ haven't gone

2. didn't answer

3. tried/have tried

4. Have... gotten/got

5. have... been?


Correct the mistakes concerning special words like since, for, ever, etc.

1. I have worked at CEC for 2020.

2. I already have visited the new restaurant in 12 de octubre, have you?

3. I haven't yet done paragliding. Is it scary?

4. I never have had a pet. I wish I had a dog or a fish at least!.

5. I have been sick since 2 weeks now!

1. since 2020.

2. I have already visited...

3. ...done paraglading yet.

4. I have never had...

5. ... for 2 weeks now!
