MCO 4400.201 Chapter 2 Vol 7
Ammunition and Explosives
DD Form 626
Motor Vehicle Inspection (Transporting Hazardous Materials)
Who and what is an Ammunition Technician
Ammunition technicians handle, transport, and store all types of ammunition and explosives, and inspect materiel to determine serviceability. They also serve as the commander’s subject matter expert for the administration and management of Class V(W).
How long is an Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Screening Package good for?
1 year from the earliest date
MCO 5530.14A
Marine Corps Physical Security Program Manual
DD Form 1348-1A
Issue Release/Receipt Document
Olive drab with yellow markings
High Explosive
Who and what is an Ammunition Chief
SSgt Birdwell
Ammunition chiefs are technical and managerial experts with wide-ranging professional skills and experience, who are responsible for sustaining the supported units’ Class V(W) programs in accordance with this Order. Ammunition chiefs advise the unit’s leadership in every facet of the ammunition field, including administration, inventory, security, safety, receipt, storage, issue, inspection, transportation, and handling of ammunition and toxic chemicals.
How long dose the Audit and Verification Officer have to sign a NAVMC 11797?
7 days after the completion of the range/turn-in has been complete
Motor Vehicle Driver and Shipping Inspector's Handbook for Ammunition, Explosives and Related Hazardous Materials
*Glove Box
NAVMC 11381/NAVMC 11381-1
Class V(W) Expenditure Report/Class V(W) Expenditure Report Addendum Page
Light Green with light red markings
Who and what is an Ammunition and Explosives Audit and Verification Officer?
GySgt Monaghan
The A&E AVO is responsible for the verification and validation of Class V(W) issue, receipt, and expenditure documentation. The A&E AVO shall be assigned in writing by the commanding officer and at no time shall there be a gap in assigned personnel serving as the A&E AVO. Units are encouraged to appoint at least two to serve as a primary and secondary. The A&E AVO must be a commissioned officer, warrant officer, SNCO, or civilian equivalent (GS-9 or above).
How often do Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Officers and Audit and Verification Officers conduct audit(s)?
DA PAM 385-64
Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards
NAVMC 11797
Notice of Delegation of Authority to Request, Approve, and Receive Class V(W)
Who and what is an Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Officer
WO Mayle
The AA&E officer is responsible for physical accountability of the Class V(W) account and ensuring ammunition personnel are trained in accordance with reference.
How long is a certificate for Materials Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard good for?
1 year
NAVSEA OP 5, Vol 1 Seventh Revision
Ammunition and Explosives Safety Ashore
NAVMC 10774
Ammunition NSN/LOT Number Record
*Blue Card
Black with yellow markings
High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT)
Who is Division's and what is an Ammunition Officer?
Capt Jevning
Conventionally: Ammunition officers supervise and coordinate ammunition supply and logistics functions. These functions include, but are not limited to, procurement, receipt, segregation, storage, issue, handling, shipment, and prepositioning. They also operate ASPs and are responsible for the establishment of field ammunition supply points in forward areas. Ammunition officers are assigned to billets on the general staff level and are responsible for advising those commanders on matters relating to ammunition supply chain management and allowance development for training and combat operations.
How long is security ammunition good before it needs to be swapped with new security ammunition?
1 year