What does Ni Gui Xing mean?
What is your last name?
What does Ni Ji Sui Le mean?
How old are you?
What is the date today (In Chinese).
Jin tian shi shi-yi yue yi hao.
What does zui ba mean?
How do you say Your Mom in Chinese?
Ni De Ma Ma
What does Ni Jiào Shen Me Ming Zi?
What is your name?
What does Ni Duo Da Le mean?
How old are you?
What is the day of the week today?
Jin tian shi xing xi yi.
Yan Jing
What is Wu Lao Shi’s last name?
你叫什么名字?Answer it。
我叫……Your name。
Answer the question in Chinese. 你多大了?
What does this mean? 作天是四月十三号。
Yesterday was April 13th.
Write Nose in Chinese characters.
Solve: 四十五 + 七十七 = ?In English
我姓……your last name.
Write How Old Are You (in Chinese characters, no pinyin).
How do you say Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow in Chinese?
Jin Tian, Zuo Tian, Ming Tian
Each group member must say one body part (they must all be different).
Check with host for correct answer.
五十七(四十一 + 五十 + 九十一 * 零)Answer in Chinese
你们叫什么名字?Speak each’s answer to host.
我叫……name of all group members.
你们几岁了?Everyone in group answer.
我……each group member’s age.
Write Tomorrow Is Sunday, July 29th.
Check with host for correct answers.
Write five different radicals.
Check with host for correct answers.