What are the two fundamental elements that effective law enforcement is made up of?
Traditional preventive patrol is defined as the...
What is the routine movement of uniformed officers by vehicle or foot through delineated geographic areas.
Where do you use directed enforcement?
What is where problems are likely to occur
True or false: Individuals are guilty until proven innocent
What is false
What are the three fundamental objectives when conducting security checks of business, residences, and other structures?
What are to help the officer remain knowledgeable about the specific structure or area, discover any suspicious activity or evidence of criminal activity, and enhance community relations by maintaining high visibility.
What do you need to determine target areas for directed enforcement?
What is thorough knowledge of the (1) area of assignment and (2) available resources is necessary to be able to respond to locations where problems are likely to occur
What patrol areas should officers become aware of? Give three examples
What is
Criminal Acts occur
Shopping centers
School grounds
Bus stops
Disturbances may occur
Youth Gathering Spots: Recreation centers, school events, secluded “drinking spots”
Adult Congregations: Coffee shops, bars, concerts, churches
Community meetings involving emotional issues or public political debates
Public Safety Hazards Occur
Poor road conditions: Dirt roads, Construction sites
There Is A Potential For Natural Disaster
Man-made dams susceptible to seepage or erosion
Easily flooded areas
Earthquake-prone zones
What should officers do when conducting security checks? 2 will suffice.
Cover as much of their assigned area as possible, secondary thoroughfares.
Pay extra attention to high crime risk areas.
Vary patrol patterns and routines to prevent predictability.
Employ appropriate investigations and equipment.
What can be used when employing a directed enforcement strategy?
What is Personnel and equipment
What is the goal of directed enforcement patrol?
What is to focus on specific problems, people, or areas to catch offenders in the act.
What are some signs of property damage or forced entry? Give 3 examples
Broken windows
Open doors
Pry marks around windows or doors
Broken equipment
Cut phone or power lines
What is uniformed foot-patrol, uniformed vehicle-patrol, and plainclothes officers
Officers enhance their observation skills through?
What is training, experience, and a variety of tools.
When conducting security checks, officers should...
Cover as much of their assigned area as possible, secondary thoroughfares.
Pay extra attention to high crime risk areas.
Vary patrol patterns and routines to prevent predictability.
Employ appropriate investigations and equipment.
In the second example why did the officer cruise by the club?
What is because a dance would be taking place with teenagers and there was a potential for drinking.