Assembles to direct an emergency
What is the emergency control group?
Day to day monitoring of events
What is routine monitoring?
To gather information, planning,operations,centralized control and coordination.
What are functions of the EOC?
Leading, managing,coordinating,the emergency response and recovery. To ensure continuity of essential service to the municipality.
What are the responsibilities of the ECG?
A head of council (i.e. Mayor) may declare one, the head of council terminates one.
What is a Municipal emergency?
Group of officials who are responsible for coordinating essential services to minimize the effects on the community.
What is the role of the emergency control group?
Provides overall support to in incident. (definition)
What is EOC activation
Primary EOC location.
What is the MAC?
Fire Chief,OPP, Public Works,
Who are ECG members?
Chairs ECG meetings
Who is the CAO?
natural, technological, human caused
What are the categories of emergencies?
The CEMC calls the ECG members to assemble through landline, cell phone, text or email using ERMS.
What is notification of ECG?
Self sufficient, 24/7 operations,good telecommunications,secure location
What are EOC requirements?
Westario, Bruce County Human Services,EMS,
Who are supporting ECG agencies?
Provide personnel and materials to the emergency site
What are ECG support functions?
Risk x severity x consequence = this
What is HIRA or hazard indentifcation and risk assesment?
During annual training and exercises,early warning phase and a provincial emergency
When is the EOC activated?
Virtual, cloud based EOC
What is the online EOC?
Provides information to the community.
Who is the Emergency information Officer?
The emergency control group may designate this at the emergency site.
Who is the Emergency Site Manager?
Incident Commander?
Activates the EOC
Who is the Head of Council,Medical Officer of Health,Fire, OPP,?
Sharing of information;decision making;make plans and give reports.
What is the operation cycle?
This the Alternate EOC location
What is the fire station?
Maintain a personal log, familiarization of the emergency response plan and specific role.Participate in annual training. Responsible to find an alternate.
What are the responsibilties of ECG individuals?
Advises the head of Council on declaration of the emergency?
What is a control group responsibility?