Poor Etiquette
Simple Etiquette
Social Etiquette
Principles of Etiquette

What is the definition of etiquette ? 




noun: etiquette; plural noun: etiquettes

the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

"the rules of etiquette are changing"


What is simple etiquette?

Simple etiquette is about respecting others the way you would expect them to respect you. 

"Please" and "thank you," holding doors, chewing with our mouths closed, dressing appropriately, shaking hands, etc....


What is social etiquette?

Social etiquette is a set of norms for personal behavior that are considered polite and acceptable in society. It involves behaving in a way that is mutually respectful and appropriate for the situation.


Based on the workshop, Principles of Etiquette, how many principles are there? 



When introducing two people, you should…

A.  give their names only.

B.  give their names and a bit of information about each person.

C.  give a bit of information about each person if that person is a family member (otherwise, in respect for each person’s privacy, don’t share anything more than their names).

B    If you know one or both of the persons you’re introducing, it’s gracious to share a bit of information about them. That way, when you step away, you’ve set them up with some conversational openers, and they’ll appreciate it!


What is a pet peeve?

(+100) Name an example: 



  • something that a particular person finds especially annoying.

"one of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service"


what is common courtesy?  

Common courtesy is the basic level of politeness that people are generally expected to show.


Thank you 

Pardon or excuse me

Hold the door for people

Speak politely 

Congraulate people

Groom yourself appropriately 


What are ethics, manners, and etiquette related to? 

A. Customs 

B. Behavior 

C. Politeness 

B. Behavior  


What is the act of being honest? 

(+100) This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

Honesty is the act of being truthful, acting sincerely, and acting with integrity.

This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

  • Not participating in gossip

  • Not lying or cheating to get ahead

  • Giving praise

  • Taking accountability for your actions

  • Settle any disagreements in a responsible and calm manner

Always remember to display good manners while in the workplace and follow the 3 principles of etiquette (Respect, Consideration, and Honesty) to ensure that you are conducting yourself appropriately while at work.


When you say “I’m sorry,” what does your apology imply that most people aren’t aware is included in an apology?

A.  What you said or did made the other person feel bad.

B.  You promise not to do the same thing again.

C.  You did not live up to your own standards.

B     While all three of these answers are correct, it’s “B” that we often forget. An apology is only an excuse unless inherent in our words is the promise that we won’t do the thing we’re apologizing for again.


Based on the workshop, poor etiquette, name three etiquette mistakes: 

Arriving at A Party Empty-Handed, Asking Prying Questions, Being Generally Rude, Being Late, Cursing, Failing to Introduce Someone, forgetting to RSVP, Forgetting to Say Please and Thank You, Gossiping, Not Listening, Public Displays of Affection, stiffing a Server, Talking About Just Yourself, Talking with Your Mouth Full, and Texting While in The Company of Others


What is phone etiquette?

Phone etiquette is the way you represent yourself and your business to customers and coworkers through telephone communication. 

  • Greet warm and professionally
  • Explain who you are

  • Be enthusiastic

  • Be respectful

  • Say “Thank You” at the end of the conversation 


What is social etiquette?

Rules of how people are expected to behave.


What does respect involve? 

(+100) This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as ..  

Respect involves acknowledging someone else’s worth and doing intentional acts to show that you care about another person.

This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

  • Giving someone your full attention

  • Not interrupting someone when they are speaking or working

  • Dressing appropriately for any given situation

  • Speaking appropriately/not speaking down to someone

  • Not participating in unkind jokes or taunting

  • Shaking hands


You are talking with a group of four people. With whom do you make eye contact?

A. With the person to whom you are speaking at that moment.
B. Each of the four, moving your eye contact from one to another.
C. With the other three people you are not speaking at that moment.
D. No particular person.

You're talking with a group of four people. With whom do you make eye contact? 

(B) Make eye contact with all of the individuals in the group so all the persons feel they are part of the conversation.


True or False: 

Sure, you can easily text someone to let them know you're running 20 minutes behind — but that doesn't mean you should. If you promise to be somewhere at 1 p.m., it's okay to arrive at 1:40 p.m. Lateness is definitely one of the habits you should break long before you turn 10.

(+100) Name what poor etiquette this is 

False ! 

Sure, you can easily text someone to let them know you're running 20 minutes behind — but that doesn't mean you should allow yourself the opportunity to run 20 minutes behind. If you promise to be somewhere at 1 p.m., make it your duty to be there at 1 p.m. Lateness is definitely one of the habits you should break long before you turn 40. 

(+100) Being Late


What is traveling etiquette? 

While traveling, it is important to follow certain rules of etiquette, which creates favorable conditions for traveling. Good manners, your dignity and calm attitude to what is happening will increase the chance to travel a lot.


In what country does one bow instead of shaking hands when greeting someone? 



What does consideration mean?

(+100) This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

Consideration means having empathy for another person and conducting yourself through thoughtful behaviour when interacting with someone else.

This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

  • Saying please and thank you

  • Holding a door open for someone

  • Chewing with your mouth closed

  • Saying excuse me

  • Offering to help when you can

  • Staying home when you are sick

  • Being on time


You are invited to a reception and the invitation states "7:00 to 9:00 p.m." You should, or you may:

A. Arrive at 6:55 p.m.
B. Arrive any time between 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
C. Arrive any time between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
D. Arrive around 9.00 p.m.

You are invited to a reception and the invitation states "7:00 to 9:00 p.m." You should:

(B) Arrive anytime between 7:00 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. Point of the question/answer is that it is terribly impolite to arrive early (before 7.00 p.m.) and at the same time it is impolite to arrive after 8.30 p.m. as the event lasts until 9.00 p.m.


What poor etiquette is this an example of:

You may genuinely want grandkids or think it's innocent to ask someone why they're a server when they hold a college degree, but there are some questions you may not even realize are rude. Think about the implications of your query before starting a potentially touchy topic of conversation. 

Asking Prying Questions


Name a tip for email etiquette: 

Email Etiquette Tips & Examples: 

Keep your tone professional.

Avoid vague subject lines.

Use proper email punctuation.

Practice good grammar.

Resist emojis in email.

Keep subject lines descriptive and short.

Choose your email salutation carefully.

Leave the right impression with your email sign-off.


In what continent does one greet others with hug and kiss on the cheek, even if one does not know them well?

South America 


What are the three principles of etiquette? 





During an in-person conversation, what percentage of your message is delivered through your spoken words?

A.  7 percent

B.  38 percent

C.  55 percent


 A     This statistic always amazes me, yet it’s true. The message we deliver in an in-person conversation is only based 7 percent on the words we say. Most of our message is received by the other person through the tone of our voice (angry, happy, sad, disappointed…) and our body language. And that’s not just for people we don’t know well; it includes our best friends, spouses, and other family members. A whopping 55 percent of our message is delivered by how we look. Since others can see us approaching from across the room, a lot of what we communicate is “said” by our appearance before we ever have the chance to say our first word. Dressing for success might seem old-fashioned, but it will always matter because people take in more visually than by any other method.
