How many inches is a regular step in marching?
30 inches for adults, but may be adjusted for shorter Young Marines.
What is the official uniform in the Young Marines Program?
The woodland pattern camouflage blouse, trousers, and khaki web belt, black boots, cover, and white t-shirt.
What does the acronym COLD stand for?
C - Clean Clothes
O - Overheating
L - Loose Layers
D - Dry
Name 3 tips to stay clean and safe in the field.
• Wash yourself daily.
• Wash your hands with soap
• Keep your hair neat and wash with shampoo at least once a week.
• Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
• Use body power on your feet, underarms, and groin.
• Use the restroom regularly.
• Eat all your food.
• Always treat injuries properly.
What are the 5 basic colors on a topographical map and what do they represent?
• Red (paved roads, highway numbers)
• Brown (Contour lines, elevations)
• Blue (Water)
• Green (Vegetation)
• Black (Buildings, Railways)
What are the gateway drugs discussed in the Young Marines program?
Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Inhalants, and Prescription Drugs
What is an Elevator Speech?
A short, simple speech to recite when asked about our program. As short as the time it takes to take an "elevator" ride.
What does the acronym TEAM mean?
T - Together
E - Everyone
A - Accomplishes
M - More
Who wrote the National Anthem, when (month and year), and during what war?
• Francis Scott Key
• September 1814
• War of 1812
What are the 4 components of Physical Fitness?
• Cardiorespiratory Endurance
• Muscular Strength
• Muscular Endurance
• Flexibility
What are the two words of command that you will be given while conducting Close Order Drill?
1) The Preparatory Command which tells you to get ready to do something.
2) The Command of Execution which tells you to do it.
When and where were the Young Marines founded?
Waterbury, CT in 1959
Where should you carry heavy objects in a backpack?
Close to the back of the pack, centered, and higher on the load.
What 3 precautions should you take when hiking at night?
• Never try new trails.
• Make sure you bring plenty of lights.
• Be very aware of your surroundings and the wildlife you may run into.
• Check the lunar and weather conditions before you plan a night hike.
• Be even more prepared than you are during the daytime hike.
What geographical feature is a line on the map joining points of equal elevation above sea level? They are used on maps to give a three-dimensional view of the ground.
Contour Lines
Name 3 negative effects of alcohol.
• Loss of coordination
• Poor judgement
• Slow reflexes
• Distorted vision
• Memory lapses
• Blackouts
• Large amounts of alcohol can lead to coma or even death.
In your first elevator speech (during recruit training) the basics in your speech included: Your name, rank, and unit name • National, non-profit for boys and girls ages 8-18 • Leadership, teamwork, and discipline • Citizenship, veterans' appreciation, DDR.
As a Private, what needs to be incorporated into your speech?
Examples of the Cores Values and how the Young Marines Creed has helped you to grow as a person and a Young Marine.
What are 3 rules to follow and duties you need to remember while being a member of a team?
• Comply with rules and orders.
• Make responsible decisions for your safety and the safety of your teammates.
• Maintain good personal habits and manners.
• Use positive words and encouragement.
• Cooperate with others.
• Accept constructive criticism.
• Be willing to admit your mistakes.
• Take care of personal and group equipment.
• Encourage your teammates.
Name 4 responsibilities as a United States citizen.
• To support and defend the Constitution.
• Stay informed of any issues affecting your community.
• Participate in your community by voting and volunteering.
• Obey all federal, state, and local laws.
• Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.
• Help others in your community.
• Pay taxes (when you're older).
• Serve on a jury (when you're older).
• Defend the country if need be and if you feel called to do so.
What score does a Young Marine Recruit to YM/LCpl have to earn in order to pass the PFT?
What score does a YM/Cpl to YM/MGySgt have to earn in order to pass the PFT?
200 - Rct to YM/LCpl
250 - YM/Cpl to YM/MGySgt
What does "March in Mark Time" mean?
Mark Time is the term for marching in place without moving forward or backward.
What ranks are the Junior Young Marines (2) and the Advanced Young Marines (4)?
Junior Young Marines: YM Cpl & YM Sgt
Advanced Young Marines: YM MSgt, YM MGySgt, YM 1stSgt, & YM SgtMaj
What are 4 knots you must learn in the Young Marines Basic Guidebook?
• The Thumb Knot
• The Figure Eight Knot
• The Double Figure Eight Knot
• The Square Knot
• The Clove Hitch
• The Half Hitch
What is Frostbite and what are 3 symptoms of Frostbite?
Frostbite is when soft tissues such as fingers and toes begin to freeze.
Symptoms include:
• Cold skin and a prickling sensation in the affected area.
• Numbness
• Red, white, bluish-shite, or grayish-yellow skin
• Hard and waxy-looking skin
• Clumsiness due to joint or muscle stiffness
What is the legend on a map?
Legends help you to interpret the conventional signs used on the map.
What should you always do ahead of time, before giving your speech?
Always rehearse your speech ahead of time.
Name 3 qualities that make a strong team member.
• Always be reliable.
• Communicate with their team members and leaders.
• Do more than is asked of them.
• Be flexible.
• Be committed to the team.
• Obey the Young Marines Code of Conduct and the Young Marines Creed.
What Congressman designed the first flag?
Congressman Francis Hopkinson
What are the 5 basic exercises used in the PFT?
• Curl-Ups
• Shuttle Run
• V-Sit
• One Mile Run
• Pull-Ups or Flexed Arm Hang
"Quick Time" cadence is how many steps or beats per minute?
120 steps or beats per minute.
What are the Young Marine Corps Values?
Leadership, Teamwork, & Discipline
If you notice a thunderstorm approaching, what should you do to ensure the safety of you and your team (Name 3)?
• Get out of any water immediately.
• Avoid hilltops or open fields.
• Stay away from tall, single trees and towers or poles.
• Crouch down as low as you can with your feet close together.
• Try to place yourself in an enclosed shelter.
Name 3 ways to protect yourself from poisonous plants and insects in the field.
• Wear long pants.
• Check the area thoroughly before hiking through or setting up camp.
• Steer clear of any nests.
• Always use insect repellant.
• Wear long sleeves and pants tucked into your boots.
• Avoid DARK colored clothing.
What are the 2 most common map scales used on topographical maps?
1:50,000 and 1:250,000
This drug starves the body of oxygen and forces the heart to beat irregularly and more rapidly. People who use this drug can lose their sense of smell, experience nausea and nosebleeds, and develop liver, lung, and kidney problems. Chronic use can lead to muscle wasting and reduced muscle tone and strength. Users sometimes die instantly with use by suffocation, choking on vomit, or by heart attack. What is this drug?
Recite the Young Marines Creed.
1. Obey my parents and all others in charge of me whether young or old.
2. Keep myself neat at all times without other people telling me to.
3. Keep myself clean in mind by attending the church of my faith.
4. Keep my mind alert to learn in school, at home, or at play.
5. Remember having self-discipline will enable me to control my body and mind in case of an emergency.
A strong leader shares a lot of the same qualities as a team member. Name 3 additional qualities a strong leader has in addition to being a strong team member.
• Understanding of each person on their team.
• Able to make the tough decisions.
• Concerned with the well-being of their team.
• Accountable.
• Confident.
• Honest.
• Inspiring.
• Positive.
How many stars and stripes did the original United States flags have?
13 stars and 13 stripes
Explain the difference in endurance, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
Endurance is the ability of a muscle to sustain repeated contractions and the ability to deliver oxygen throughout the body over a period of time.
Strength Training is the ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period.
Flexibility is the ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion.
What command is given when marching over rough terrain or long distances, where calling cadence would be ineffecient or impractical?
March at the Route Step.
"The Young Marines Hymn" is sung to the same tune as what song?
"The Marine Corps Hymn"
What does it mean to leave behind no trace that you camped or passed through a wilderness area?
Minimum Impact Camping
What are the dimensions of a field latrine in the field?
4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 4 feet deep
What maps are mainly used to assist drivers than those participating in land navigation?
Street and Road Maps
What are the dates of Red Ribbon Week?
October 23-31
When choosing a topic to give a speech about, consider topics that _______________ (name 2).
• You are interested in
• Your audience is invested in
• Can be backed up with research, data, or important people's opinions
• You have the ability to research
Every time you hold a leadership position in the unit, your superiors, either a more senior Young Marine or an Adult Volunteer, will fill out a form evaluating your leadership in that role. What is this form called?
Leadership Evaluation Form (LEF)
When displayed outdoors with state, community, society, or unit flags, the United States flag must always be _______________________.
At the top of the flagpole.
Name 3 items on the nutritional label that you should always check when determining if a food is healthy or unhealthy.
• Serving Size
• Calories
• Fats
• Carbohydrates
• Sugars
The purpose of this movement is to change the cadence count without changing the rhythm of the cadence.
Change step
Where did the Marine Corps League adopt the Young Marines as a National Program?
Kansas City, Missouri
When washing yourself and dishes in the field, carry waste water at least _____________ feet away from the water source you took it from to avoid water pollution.
200 feet
Name 3 safety precautions while using a knife.
• Do not use knives for anything but cutting.
• Clean the whole knife, not just the blade.
• Keep your knife in a clean, dry place.
• Apply force away from your body and never point a knife towards yourself or another person.
• Never try to catch a falling knife.
• Do not run or climb while holding a knife.
• Always hand a knife to someone else handle first and never throw it to someone.
• Make sure the area you are using the knife in is well-lit, clear of debris, and away from anyone who may distract you or hurt themselves.
• Never use a knife without adult supervision.
What are raised topographical maps called? They are built to show a three-dimensional view of the mapped area.
Relief Maps
What is the red cords made of?
The red cords are made of red 550 paracord.
Name 3 sources to gather evidence, data, and support for your speech.
• Print and internet sources such as books, newspapers, or websites.
• Observations you make in your community or daily life
• Interviews
• Surveys
• Personal experience
State the 7 Young Marine General Orders.
#1) I will take charge of this post and all Young Marines' property in view.
#2) I will walk my post in an alert manner, observe everything that takes place within sight or hearing, and report any unauthorized personnel.
#3) I will report all violations of orders and instructions I have been given.
#4) I will not quit my post until properly relieved.
#5) I will speak to no one except those who are also in the line of duty.
#6) I will sound the alarm in case of emergency.
#7) I will call an Adult Volunteer or Young Marine in charge if any event occurs that has not been covered by instructions.
What does the 13 stripes on the United States Flag represent?
The original 13 colonies.
Name 5 Signs of a Medical Emergency.
• Trouble breathing
• Chest pain
• Fainting, sudden dizziness, or feeling weak
• Sudden blurred or spotty vision
• Changes in mental state such as confusion, drastic changes in behavior, or sudden drowsiness
• Any sudden or sever pain
• Bleeding that won't stop
• Severe vomiting or diarrhea
• Coughing or vomiting blood
• Unusual stomach pain
What movements are used when marching in column formation to change direction of the squad, platoon, or company?
Left Column or Right Column
Column Movements
What year did the Young Marines begin to function independently from the Marine Corps League?
Name 5 outdoor tools Young Marines use while on an expedition or encampment.
• Matches, Lighters, and Fire Starters
• Rope
• Knives - Pocket or Sheath
• Hammers and Mallets
• Shovels and Spades
• Bow Saw
• Axes and Hatchets
Name 5 safety precautions for camp stoves and lanterns.
• Fill, light, and use camp stoves and lanterns outside of tents, buildings, and confined shelters.
• Only fill or pack a camp stove or lantern that is cool to the touch and has been off for several hours.
• Always fill the camp stove or lantern in a different place than where you plan to use it.
• Always fill a camp stove or lantern using a funnel.
• Set the camp stove or lantern on a stable, level, and clean surface when you use and fill it.
• Ensure there are no pots or objects on the stove when filling or lighting.
• Ensure that the heat shield is in place on the lantern before use.
It is important to take special care of your maps, name 3 precautions to follow to ensure a long life for your map.
• Place your map in a clear, plastic cover or bag or permanently laminate it.
• If it gets wet, be sure to dry it completely on a clean, flat surface before storing it.
• Avoid opening your map fully in a strong wind to prevent tearing.
• Use only pencil to mark your map and erase all markings gently when finished.
• Store maps in a dry place rolled, folded, or laid flat.
Why do we wear the red cord bracelets?
We wear them year-round to show we are always committed to be healthy and drug-free.
What should you state in the introduction of your speech?
• State who you are
• State a little bit of your background
• State your topic
• State the purpose of your speech
As a guide to how Young Marines should act and behave, Young Marines should follow the Young Marines Obligation, Young Marines Creed, and what else?
The Young Marines Code of Conduct.
How should the United States Flag be displayed indoors, when displayed with other flags, and the staffs are crossed?
The United States Flag should be to the right with its staff in front.
Why is it important to do warm-ups and cool-downs during your exercise or workout sessions?
To avoid injuries like pulled muscles or joint problems.
The purpose of this movement is to march the unit to the rear for a short distance.
March to the Rear
What year were the Young Marines granted status as a youth educational organization with a 501(c)(3) IRS Classification (non-profit)?
What 3 basic components are required to start a fire?
Fuel, Oxygen, and Heat
What are the 4 basic categories of fuel?
• Tinder
• Kindling
• Softwood Fuels
• Hardwood Fuels
The first step in navigating any terrain including areas you are familiar with is to locate your starting point. What are the steps to locate your approximate location on the map?
• Identify 2 or 3 prominent landmarks on the ground near where you are such as a hill or water feature.
• Locate the landmarks near you on your map.
• Rotate your map until all your landmarks line up with the direction the objects are located on the ground.
• Double check landmarks all around you to make sure that features in front of you are in the same position on your map.
When did Adult Volunteers create the red chord initiative?
During the 2016 Adult Leaders Conference
What is the purpose of the conclusion of your speech?
Your conclusion wraps up your points. Remind your audience what you just talked about, but most importantly, let them know what they should now do with this information.
What is the 1st sentence of Article I (1) of the Young Marines Code of Conduct?
I am an American youth, proud of my country and our way of life.
What does federalism mean?
Federalism means power in our country is shared by national, state, and local levels.
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, all Americans should follow these general guidelines for a healthy lifestyle.
• Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products such as cheese and yogurt.
• Eat mostly meats that have low fat, chicken, or turkey, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts.
• Avoid saturated fats, trans fats, salt (sodium), and added sugars.
• Stay within your daily calorie needs.
The purpose of this movement is to shift the line of march to the right or left for a short distance and then resume marching in the original direction.
March to the Oblique
What are the 4 types of awards that Young Marines can earn?
• Personal Awards
• Achievement Awards
• Service Awards
• Qualification Awards
What are the 3 main ways to locate water during an encampment or hike?
Using campground spigots, collecting rainwater, or locating clean, running water
What are the 4 ways to cook fresh food in the field?
1) Boiling food
2) Over a campfire by roasting meat and veggies or wrapped in foil and placed directly in the fire or under hot coals
3) Smoked or cured
4) Using a pan and stove or campfire.
Name 3 features on the map and on the ground to track your progress towards your points.
1) Handrails
2) Collecting Features
3) Catching Features
When and where did Enrique "KiKi" Camarena give his life fighting against drugs and drug-trafficking with the DEA?
In Mexico in 1985.
Name 3 tips to help create a visual aid for your speech.
• Create your visual aid after you have written your whole speech.
• Avoid clutter.
• Avoid using large blocks of text.
• Explain any jargon or acronyms.
• Keep it simple.
• Make sure your visual aid compliments your speech.
What is the 1st sentence of Article III (3) of the Young Marines Code of Conduct?
If I am offered drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products, I will politely resist and refuse.
What year did the states all agree to the Articles of Confederation which established a very limited national government could declare war and negotiate peace with one vote from each state?
Eating a healthy, balanced diet does not mean you can never eat foods you love. What are tips to help you learn how to eat the foods you love in a healthy way?
• Eat them less often.
• Eat smaller amounts.
• Try a lower-calorie version.
The purpose of this movement is to diminish the platoon of either two, three, or four squads into one column.
Column of Files from the Right (or Left)
What is the proper procedure for entering, reporting, and leaving a Young Marine office?
• Before entering an office, Young Marines will knock loudly three (3) times and stand at attention in the doorway.
• When ordered to enter, enter the office and take the most direct route to the adult present.
• Focus your position and attention on the adult present. Remain in the position of attention and report by saying "Young Marine (Rank and Last Name), reporting as ordered, sir/ma'am."
• Do not leave the office until given the command "Dismissed."
• When given the command "Dismissed", respond to the adult by saying "aye, aye, sir/ma'am."
• Take one step back, do an about face, and take the most direct route out of the office.
Name at least 5 items you should pack in your survival kit.
• Matches - at least 20, the kind that will strike anywhere and are waterproof
• Candle - tea light or small candles
• Strong thin cord - 30 feet
• Fishing gear - 15 feet of 15 lb line, bare hooks, a lead weight, and a cork
• Adhesive bandages of carious sizes
• Small safety pins
• Plastic bags - 2 large garbage, 2 small bags
• Food - concentrated soup or hard candy
• Aluminum foil - or folded square
• Fuel tablets or fire starters - sealed in plastic to avoid contamination of the rest of your kit
• Mirror - unbreakable and shatter proof (not glass) for signaling
• Small, simple compass
• Emergency blanket
• Spare flashlight bulb and batteries
• Sewing kit
• Crayon (will write anywhere) and paper
To keep perishable items, such as meats and dairy, from spoiling, these foods must be kept at what temperature?
At or below 40 degrees.
These are the stop signs that tell you that you have gone too far. They should be large or obvious features at the end of your route or just past the end of your route that you would not be able to miss like a creek or a road. What are these features called?
Catching Features
When was DEA Agent KiKi Camarena kidnapped? He was close to unlocking a multi-billion dollar drug pipeline.
February 7, 1985
What 3 steps should you take to help prepare for questions from your audience?
• Over prepare for audience questions. Always make sure you know a little more than what you included in your speech.
• Listen carefully to your audience's questions.
• Pause and think about your answer before responding.
What is the 1st sentence of Article V (5) of the Young Marines Code of Conduct?
When asked about the Young Marines program, I will answer questions politely, respectfully, and to the best of my ability.
What states that any power not given to the federal government will go to the state governments and the people?
The Constitution.
What are the basic steps to follow in the event of an emergency?
• Always check out the scene to size up the situation.
• If the person is awake and responsive, ask for their permission to help them. If the person is unresponsive, you are obligated to help them.
• Send someone to get a first aid kit.
• Wait with the person until help arrives in the form of an adult in charge or emergency medical services.