Nurse ko po
Head to toe
Halo halo

Interstitial fluid and intravascular fluid are considered compartments of the intracellular fluid

False (ECF)


Juan is admitted in the hospital due to having lower than normal potassium level in his bloodstream.  Which foods should the nurse instruct the client to increase?

Fruits and vegetables


What is the normal urine output in ml/kg/hr?

1 ml/kg/hr or 1,500 ml/day


The physician orders an electrolyte replacement on a client with potassium of 2.1. The nurse knows this is the condition of which of the following?

A. Hypokalemic

B. Hyperkalemic

C. Hypernatremic

D. Hyponatremic

A. Hypokalemic


A client has +3 pitting edema in their legs and a potassium of 2.3 mess/L, the nurse knows which of the following diuretic is likely to be ordered?

A. Spironolactone (Aldactone)

B. Furosemide (Lasix)

C. Bumetamide (Bumex)

D. Ethacrynic Acid (Edecrin)

A. Spironolactone (Aldactone)- a potassium sparing diuretic


Individuals with more body fat have proportionally more TBW, and so they are less likely to become dehydrated.

False (More fat less water)


Which intervention should the nurse perform when caring for a client diagnosed with fluid volume deficit?

A. Assessing urinary intake and output

B. Obtain weight weekly at different times a day

C. Monitoring ABG results

D. Maintaining IVF at KVO

A. Assessing urinary intake and output


What is the significance in assessing Chvostek's sign? How is it assessed?

Positive Chvostek's sign- unilateral twitching of facial muscles after percussion indicates hypocalcemia or hypomagnesemia


The relationship of Calcium and Vitamin D is:

A. Similar

B. Inverse

A. Similar


The type of solution if injected in the vein: fluid moves OUT of veins and into the tissues 

Hypotonic solution (cell swells)


Joshua is receiving Furosemide and Digoxin, Sodium level would be the most important to assess in planning the care for the patient.

False (Potassium)


A patient's central line has just been inserted by the physician while the nurse assisted. The physician writes orders to start normal saline fluids to run in the catheter and leaves to document the procedure. Which of the following should the nurse do first?

A. Set up and begin to run the infusion

B. Clarify the order with the physician

C. Contact the pharmacy

D. Ask the physician to order a chest x-ray

D. Ask the physician to order a chest x-ray


Nurse Jolly is totalling the intake and output for Joseph Santos, a client diagnosed with septicaemia who is on a clear liquid diet. The client intakes 8 oz of apple juice, 850 ml of water, 2 glasses (1 glass=250 ml) of beef broth and 900 ml of half-normal saline solution and outputs 1,500 ml of urine during the shift. How many millilitres should the nurse document as the client's intake?

A. 2,230

B. 2,940

C. 2,490

D. 2,320

C. 2,490


In hypotonic solution, the cell will

A. shrink

B. swell

C. nothing will happen

D. none of the above

B. swell


Give at least 3 functions of body fluids?

Regulates body temperature

Protects body organs and tissues

Helps prevent constipation

Helps dissolve minerals and other nutrients

Moistens tissues

Lubricates joints

Flushes wastes products

Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells


Positive fluid balance might suggest a problem with either the renal or cardiovascular system



A 12-year old boy was admitted in the hospital 2 days ago due to hyperthermia. His attending nurse, Dennis, is quite unsure about his plan of care. Which of the following nursing intervention should be included in the care of plan for the client?

A. Fluid restriction of 2,000 ml/day

B. Room temperature reduction

C. Axillary temperature measurements every 4 hours

D. Antiemetic agent administration

B. Room temperature reduction


Lab tests revealed that patient Jane's serum Na+ result is 170 meqs/L. Which clinical manifestation would nurse George expect to assess?

A. Tented skin turgor and thirst

B. Fruity breath and Kussmaul's respirations

C. Muscle twitching and tetany

D. Muscle weakness and parenthesis

A. Tented skin turgor and thirst


(+) trouseau's sign indicates

A. hypocalcemia

B. hypercalcemia

C. hypokalemia

D. hyperkalemia

D. hypocalcemia


As the secretion of ADH increases, the excretion of urine_______.



Phosphate is the major electrolyte responsible for determining the concentration of the extracellular fluid

False (Sodium)


A 36-year-old male client is about to be discharged from the hospital after 5 days due to surgery. Which intervention should be included in the home health care nurse's instructions about measures to prevent constipation?

A. Discouraging the client from eating large amounts of roughage-containing foods in the diet.

B. Encouraging the client to use laxatives routinely to ensure adequate bowel elimination.

C. Instructing the client to establish a bowel evacuation schedule that changes every day.

D. Instructing the client to fill a 2-L bottle with water every night and drink it the next day.

D. Instructing the client to fill a 2-L bottle with water every night and drink it the next day.


This hormone is released in the right atrium that acts on the kidney to cause diuresis of Na and water, thereby decreasing intravascular volume.

Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF)


Ashley is diagnosed with hypomagnesemia, which nursing intervention would be appropriate?

A. Instituting seizure precaution to prevent injury

B. Instructing the client on the importance of preventing infection

C. Avoiding the use of tight tourniquet when drawing blood

D. Teaching the client the importance of early ambulation

A. Instituting seizure precaution to prevent injury (hypomagnesemia- risk for seizures)


Your patient comes in with bilateral +2 pitting edema on the lower extremities. The blood work confirms Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). What kind of fluid would you give this patient?

A. Hypertonic

B. Isotonic

C. Hypotonic

A. Hypertonic- shifts fluid out of the interstitial compartment into the vein, to be filtered out in the kidneys
