Treble clef
First line of treble
What is E
How many musical notes we have
How many Quarter notes can you fit in a 4/4 measure
4 quarter notes - Cuz every quarter note worth 1 beat
What is 4
Bass clef
Second line of Treble
name of musical notes in English
Can you put three half notes in a 4/4 measure? Yes! or NO and why?
No! (You can only put two because half notes worth 2 beats)
What is 2
Time Signature
third line of treble
Name of musical notes in Spanish
do re mi fa sol la si
What does staff means?
The place where we can write music.
What is 1
The acronym for treble spaces
What is FACE
In music we do not say "speed" instead of that word we say:
How many lines and spaces does a staff have?
5 lines and 4 spaces
What is 1/2 a beat
Fourth line of treble
What is D
In music we do not say "volume", instead of it we use:
Using the treble clef, what is the name of the note on the 4th space of the staff?
What is 1/4 of a beat
The fifth line of treble
Dynamics that means Loud and very loud
Forte and Fortissimo
Using the treble clef, what is the name of the note on the 1st space in the staff?
This musical figure is worth 1 beat in silence.
quartes rest
The value of the "dot" to the right of a musical note?
half of the note next to it.
The acronym for treble lines
Every Good Boy Does Fine
Dynamics that means soft and very soft
Piano and Pianissimo
What is the 1st musical figure you have to write in a musical piece?
The clef.
his musical figure is worth 3 beat in silence.
Dotted half rest