Final Review 1
Final Review 2
Final Review 3
Final Review 4
Final Review 5

_________ _________, is designed and available for patients in the later stages of terminal illness and does not commonly include measures meant to cure or stop the natural process of dying. 

What is hospice care. 

If a patient has an infection in one area of the body it is termed as a  ____________ ___________.

What is a Localized Infection. 


The most effective way to break the chain of infection is to use appropriate ______ _______. 

What is hand hygiene. 


 The sweat glands, especially the ________ glands are located in the axillae and genital areas, produce seat during stressful and emotional circumstances. 

What is the Apocrine Glands. 

How do you obtain a tympanic temperature on an adult versus child? 

 What is pull pinna up and back for adult and pull pinna down and back on child


________ ________, Is a written document prepared by a mentally competent patient indicating which procedures and measures the patient does not want should and end-of-life condition or disability occur. 

 What is a living will. 


Device used by tightly rolling a sheet or blanket securely and placing in against the lateral side of the thigh to prevent outward rotation of the hip and leg. 

What is Trochanter Roll


_________ __________ are a group of safety measures performed to prevent the transmission of pathogens found in the blood and body fluids. This includes performing hand hygiene, wearing appropriate protective equipment if exposure is possible, and using cough etiquette. Standard precautions are performed with all patients, whether or not an infection has been diagnosed.

What is Standard Precautions. 


________ mask Delivers a precise of room air and oxygen which equals a specific percentage of oxygen. 

What is a Venturi Mask. 


When the blood pressure drops with slight position changes. 

What is Orthostatic Hypotension. 


_________ ________ __ ________, a legal court document that grants the authority to make health-care decisions and act as a health-care proxy for the patient should the patient become disabled. 

What is a Durable Power of Attorney. 


Part of the central nervous system that can affect the rate of heart contractions. 

What is Medulla Oblongata. 


List the steps of donning and Doffing PPE.  

Donning: Don foot covers, Perform HH, Apply Gown, Mask, Goggles, Hair Cover, Gloves

Doffing: Remove Gloves, gown, Perform HH, Remove Goggles, Hair Cover, Mask, Shoe Covers, HH


The process in which nutrients are taken into the GI tract.  

What is Absorption. 


What sequence does the nurse use to assess the clients abdomen? (Think Palpation etc..) 

What is Inspection, Auscultation, and Palpation. 


List Kubler-Ross's Five Stages of Grief in Death and Dying. Give Examples of each.  

What is  Denial: Not me! This isn't happening to me! 

Anger: Why is this Happening to ME! It's not fair!

Bargaining: Just let me live to see my children graduate. I'll promise I'll be a better person IF....

Depression: I don't care anymore. I'm so sad; why bother with anything?

Acceptance:  It's going to be okay. I'm ready for whatever comes. 


The Chain of infection involves the following "links"

 What is Infectious agent-Reservoir-Portal of Exit- Mode of Transmission-Portal of Entry- Susceptible Host

Infectious agent: C. difficile

Reservoir: Patient 1

Portal of exit: bowel movement of Patient 1

Mode of transmission: nurse’s hands because this organism is not killed by alcohol-based hand gel

Portal of entry: Patient 2’s mouth

Susceptible host: Patient 2


__________ transmission occurs when infectious particles are so small and lightweight that they can float in the air and be spread through air currents. A person entering the room could possibly inhale these particles.  

What is Airborne Transmission. 


You are reviewing a patient's intake for lunch. The patient had 3 cups of coffee (240 mL per cup); a large bowl of broth ( 600 mL) and half a carton of chocolate milk ( 240 mL per carton). What is the total intake? 

What is 1440 mL


Inability to respond verbally. 

What is Aphasic. (Aphasia)


When an order has been obtained and the restraints are in place, nursing staff are required by the Health Care Financing Administration and The Joint Commission to follow what guidelines? 

 What is 

-Check on patient every 30 minutes: Check skin for redness or chafing under the restraints and extremities for warmth and color

-Remove the restraint every 2 hours: Offer fluids. Assist with toileting. Change positions in bed.  Assess extremities for edema, capillary refill time and sensation and function. Assess skin over pressure pits for integrity and erythema. Assist with ambulation if appropriate. Stay with patient entire time restraint is off. Document all actions on flow appropriate flow sheet.


__________ Defense  involves specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes that fight infection, either as B cells or T cells. When pathogens are found, the B and T cells signal phagocytes to destroy the invaders. The B and T cells have a major role in the antigen–antibody response.

What is Tertiary Defense. 


________ Transmission can be transmitted from the respiratory system of one person to another through the small droplets that occur when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks.

What is Droplet Transmission. 


_________ glands produce sweat in response to heat and exercise and are concentrated in the palms of the hands, upper lip, and forehead. 

 What is Exocrine Glands. 


___ is the only source of complete protein that is not of an animal source. 

What is soy. 
