This part of speech is the easiest to remember because it refers to a person, place, thing, or idea
Much of the lesson plans for the first week of school were very succinct.
Whenever I want to check how many ____ are in a word I clap my hands as I sound it out.
The root word ___ means light
phot (photo)
It is best to always ____ your writing to check for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
____ ____ are used to specifically refer to movement that is tangible.
When Margot entered the room, she was greeted by the sight of her mother crying, and since she is thoughtful, she decided to help with cooking dinner instead of bothering her with her trivial problems.
An ___ is used to help characterize a noun and add nuance to one's writing or speech.
____ are added to the beginning and end of a word to change the meaning.
The Green affix meaning 'not' is added to the beginning of this word meaning 'not' able to believe
subject/ verb.
Most children evolve into various social groups based on their interests and common ideas.
Learning ___ ___ will help you to infer the meaning of new vocabulary, because one is able to evaluate the basic concept of word meaning
root words
This Greek affix is used to refer to the study of something.
-logy (as in biology)
When my mother passed away, I became her (bene) of all her possessions.
*Uses the root word meaning well
This word means a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective or verb.
It can be very difficult to distinguish between those who are manipulative and those who are not, because everyone lies to some extent, and many people are not self-aware.
The author's choice of words in a statement or speech
"What is diction?"
This Greek root word is combined with an affix to mean the study of land.
Although 95 percent of people are capable of _____, only 79 percent of adults can functionally read at a 4th grade level.
The part of a sentence or clause containing a verb and stating something about the subject
It can be very advantageous for you to differentiate between the type of notes you take by using highlighters to distinguish vocabulary and literary terms.
It is important for children to learn ____ so they are able to interpret how sounds relate to their letter symbol and sound out vocabulary.
This Latin root word meaning well is used in the word _____ to refer to favorable conditions.
You should always update your ___ _ ___ in your interactive notebook before taking notes.
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