Identify the conjunction in the sentence:
I like apples and oranges.
Answer: and
Explanation: "And" connects two nouns, "apples" and "oranges."
Identify the preposition in the sentence:
The book is on the table.
Answer: on
Explanation: "On" shows the relationship between "book" and "table."
Identify the adverb in the sentence:
She ran quickly to catch the bus.
Answer: quickly
Explanation: The word "quickly" describes how she ran, modifying the verb "ran."
Identify the interjection in the sentence:
Wow! That movie was amazing!
Answer: Wow!
Explanation: "Wow!" expresses surprise or excitement.
Find the conjunction and explain its role:
She wanted to play outside, but it was raining.
Answer: but
Explanation: "But" joins two contrasting ideas: wanting to play outside and the rain stopping her.
Find the preposition and explain its function:
She sat beside her best friend.
Answer: beside
Explanation: "Beside" tells us the location of "she" in relation to "her best friend."
Find the adverb and explain its function:
The baby slept peacefully in her crib.
Answer: peacefully
Explanation: "Peacefully" tells us how the baby slept, modifying the verb "slept."
Find the interjection and explain its purpose:
Oh, I forgot my keys at home.
Answer: Oh,
Explanation: "Oh" shows realization or remembering something.
Which word is the conjunction in the sentence?
You can have cake or ice cream for dessert.
Answer: or
Explanation: "Or" connects two choices: cake and ice cream.
Which word is the preposition, and what does it modify?
We walked through the park.
Answer: through
Explanation: "Through" describes movement across a place (the park).
Which word is the adverb, and what does it modify?
They arrived very late to the meeting.
Answer: very
Explanation: "Very" modifies the adverb "late," making it more intense.
Which word is the interjection, and what emotion does it show?
Oops! I dropped my phone.
Answer: Oops!
Explanation: "Oops!" expresses a mistake or accident.
Identify the subordinating conjunction:
We stayed inside because it was too cold.
Answer: because
Explanation: "Because" introduces a reason for staying inside, connecting the two clauses.
Identify and explain the prepositional phrase:
The dog slept under the table.
Answer: under the table
Explanation: The preposition "under" shows the relationship between "dog" and "table," forming a prepositional phrase.
Identify and explain the adverb:
We will leave soon because it is getting dark.
Answer: soon
Explanation: "Soon" tells us when we will leave, modifying the verb "leave."
Identify the interjection and explain its use:
Hey! Watch where you’re going!
Answer: Hey!
Explanation: "Hey!" is used to get someone's attention.
Find the conjunction(s) and explain the sentence structure:
Although it was late, we still finished our homework and went to bed early.
Answer: Although, and
Explanation: "Although" is a subordinating conjunction introducing a contrast, while "and" connects two actions.
Find and explain two prepositions in the sentence:
We traveled from Davao to Manila by plane.
Answer: from, to
Explanation: "From" indicates the starting point, and "to" shows the destination.
Find the two adverbs and explain their roles:
She spoke quite softly during the presentation.
Answer: quite, softly
Explanation: "Softly" modifies "spoke," describing how she spoke, and "quite" modifies "softly," indicating degree.
Find and explain the interjection in the sentence:
Alas! The hero did not survive the battle.
Answer: Alas!
Explanation: "Alas!" expresses sadness or disappointment.