Don't get into Treble!
What is a ledger line?
To pull the string to make sound
What is Pizz. or Pizzicato?
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) One leger line above treble clef.
What is A?
To get louder
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) The exact pitch that C clefs indicate.
What is middle c or c4?
To get softer
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) D on the staff.
What is the middle line of bass clef?
To get slower
What is rit. or ritardando?
Alto Clef bottom space.
What is G?
Space bellow 2nd ledger line under staff (Treble Clef)
What is G?
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) To go back to the beginning and play to the end
What is DC al Fine?