What is soil?
A mixture of organic matter, minerals, gases, liquids, and organisms.
what is a seed?
A flowering plant unit of reproduction capable of developing into another such plant
What are the steps of the water cycle?
Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration.
What are the 5 basic elements of landscape design?
Line, form, texture, color, and scale.
Are the cells in plants similar?
What are the soil forming factors?
A parent material, climate, biota, topography, and time.
what makes a seed grow?
The Sun
What are the four major principles of landscape design?
Proportion, order, repetition, and unity.
What are the growth tissues of plants?
What are macroorganisms?
Living or dead organisms.
What is the middle, big, white part of the seed called?
Cotyledon (food)
What role do the oceans play in providing the earth with fresh water?
Warm ocean waters provide the energy to fuel storm systems that provide fresh water vital to all living things.
What is the rule of 3 in landscape design?
Three plants create balance.
What are the 6 basic parts of plant anatomy?
Roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
What is a topography?
Relief or landscape also called lay of the land.
What is the bottom part that grows out of the seed called?
True or false: the water cycle has no real end or beginning.
What to include in a landscape design?
hard scape and soft scape elements.
What is the basic concept of plant anatomy?
The detailed structure of the plant
What is parent material?
Original geologic material
What part of the seed makes the new plant?
How does the sun provide the energy for the water cycle?
When energy from the sun reaches the earth, it warms the atmosphere, land, and ocean and evaporates water.
What are the 5 key landscape functions?
The solar energy function, the water cycle function, soil-mineral cycle, dynamic Eco systems and the human-social function.
What is the life span of a plant cell?
Some plant organisms only live a few months to a year.