Which type of question is the one that you can't answer with just one-word/phrase answer ?
What is Inference
What is 4 (Remember no test for the first unit)
What is the last thing we do in an experiment ?
What is Draw a Conclusion
Where was Mr. Yang born ?
What is Hong Kong
What month is this month ?
What is Close-Ended Question
It rained the night before
What is False
What is the first thing we do in an experiment ?
What is Make an Observation
or Ask a quesiton
Where did Mr. Yang go to University
What is Western University
Which two words tell us that our question is most likely an Open-Ended Question
What is Why & How
The boy is in the water
What is Observation
What is 2-3.
What's the fancy word for the prediction we make on what would happen in a lab (If...... then....)
What is Hypothesis
What is Close-Ended Question
What is Observation
Finish the follow:
The five major units we'll be cover are: Basic Scientific Skills, Ecology,________, Electricity, and __________
What is Chemistry and Space & Earth
What is the constant for our paper towel lab ? (What we kept the same)
What is The Size of the Paper Towel
or The amount of water we used
What kind of question is the following:
"How many countries has Mr. Yang lived in?
(Bonus 100 point if you can list them)
Close-Ended Question
Why do you like that game so much ?
What is Open-Ended Question
The goat pushed the boy into the pond
What is Inference
When is the rough draft due for our ISP Project ?
What is March 28th or Last Friday/Week of March
In the paper towel experiment we have done together. What were the independent variables (what we have changed)
List the languages Mr. Yang can speak.
What is English, Spanish, and Chinese (Bonus if you said Cantonese and Mandarin)