We live in this country
What is The United States of America
Today's date
What is Friday, September 7, 2018/Friday, 9-7-18
If it's cold you wear this on your head?
What is a hat
In an emergency you should call this number
What is 9-1-1
The name of your galaxy?
What is The Milky Way
We live in this state?
What is Pennsylvania
This holiday is named after this explorer who is credited with discovering North America
Mr. DChristopher Columbus
Ms. Cupps
Big Ben Day
Who is Christopher Columbus
You put these on you're feet before shoes?
What are socks
If you feel ill and need immediate medical attention where should you go
What is the hospital or ER
The security guard name?
What is Kim, Alice, Mr. Dj Funkmaster, Joe,
We live in what city?
What is McKeesport
Trick or Treat is the phrase you hear uttered at neighborhood doors during this holiday
What is Halloween
These help block out the sun when it is too bright?
What are sun glasses
This is who will come to your aide if there is a fire
What it the fire department or firemen
What does D.C. in Washington D.C. stand for?
District of Columbia
District of Cheaters
District of Cronin
What is the District of Columbia
We live on what planet
What is earth
Halloween falls on this day every
What is the October 31st
If you're hands get a little chilly this will help
What are gloves
If you have been subject to abuse or know someone who has who should you call?
What is 1-800-96-ABUSE (or 1-800-962-2873)
The star closest to our planet?
Big Dipper
What is the sun
What area are we in now
What is 113
It is customary to go to people's house at night during the fall/autumn in the tenth month of the year.
What is wear a costume/get dressed up
This is essential to cover your bird cage for guys stomach for girls?
What is a shirt
If you are having issues with your teeth where you should go?
What is the dentist
There is more of this on earth than any other element
What is water