One-step Equations
Grab bag
What does it mean to multiply? Explain your response with numbers, symbols, pictures and words.
Multiplication is like repeated addition. When you multiply you add a number to itself. For example, 5 * 6 means you add 5 to itself 6 times: 5+5+5+5+5=30. Multiply is multiplication.
What does it mean to divide? Explain with pictures, symbols and words.
Division means to separate a group in to smaller equal groups. Divide means division and is shown by / and other symbols too. For example, how many equal groups of 4 can you make out of 16? 16/4 is 4.
Convert 35% to a decimal and explain your thinking.
.35, I dropped the percent sign and moved two places to the left then added a decimal point.
What is the inverse operation of addition? What is the inverse operation of division? Use symbols and words to explain your thinking.
The inverse operation of addition is subtraction. The inverse operation of division in multiplication. - + / *
Explain and show what a variable is. Where and why are variables used in mathematical thinking.
A variable is a letter that stands for a number. The value of an algebraic expression varies, or changes, depending upon the value given to the variable. x is a variable in the equation: 9 + x= 7
Sing and show the multiplication facts for the 3's to the number 12: *To the tune of ___________________
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, and we're done, 33, 36.
Show your work and explain, what is 72 divided by 9?
The quotient is 8. I know because you can separate 72 in to 8 equal groups of 9.
Convert 0.759 to a percent and explain your thinking.
75.9%, I moved the decimal point two places to the right and added a percent symbol.
Solve: x + 3= 5 Show and explain the steps you took to solve.
The answer is x=2 First I subtracted 3 (inverse operation) to get the variable (x) alone on one side. I subtracted 3 from both sides, 3-3=0, and 5-3= 2. x= 2
Show the symbol for pi, what is it's value to the nearest hundredth, and explain why or when we use pi.
Pi is the ratio of the circumference C of any circle to it's diameter d. Pi is equal to 3.14 and we use it in formulas for circumference and area.
Sing and write the multiplication facts of 4 to the number 12: *To the tune of "Old McDonald"
Old McDonald had a 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 and we're done, 44, 48.
What is the quotient of -36 divided by 6?
-36 divided by 6= -6, because a negative divided by a positive is a negative.
Write 5/16 as a decimal and percent, then explain your thinking. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.
.31 and 31%, I did in/out and divided 16 by 5 in long division format. I rounded to the nearest hundredth and kept 31 because I had a remainder of four.
Solve this equation: -6 + y= 9 Show and explain the steps you took to solve.
First I added 6 to both sides and the -6 and +6 canceled out, then 9 + 6 is equal to 15. y= 15
Use whole number estimation to add $34.56 plus $78.22, show your work and explain your thinking.
I estimated and added $35.00 plus $78.00 to get $113.00.
Long multiplication: What is the product of 762 times 75? Show and explain your answer.
The product is 57, 150. I did long division and remembered all the steps to carry over, put in a place holder, and add to get my final answer.
Long division, show and explain your work: 456 divided by 27.
456 divided by 27 is equal to: 16 R 24. First I put 456 inside the house and divided by 27. After long division there was a remainder of 24.
Write this percent as a fraction in simplest form: 17%, then explain your thinking.
1 7/10, first I put the percent over 100 (because percent are always out of 100), then I divided numerator and denominator by 10 and wrote a mixed number.
Solve this equation: x/9= 18 Show and explain the steps you took to solve.
First I did the inverse of division, which is multiplication, so I multiplied by 9 on both sides. The 9's canceled out and 18 * 9= 162, so x= 162
Subtract and remember to line up the decimals: what is 123.48 minus 0.0692,then round to the nearest hundredth, and explain your thinking.
I lined up the decimals and put zeros in place of absent numbers then subtracted to get 123.4108, then rounded to get 123.41
The 6th grade students at Wilson each had eleven pencils. If there were 462 students, how many pencils were there in all?
462 * 11= 5082 pencils in all
3,600 students attend Lewis Middle School. During an assembly the students needed to be separated in to equal groups of 12. How many equal groups can be made?
3,600 divided by 12 equals 300.
Out of 49 fish, 31 are goldfish. About what percent are goldfish? Explain your thinking with words, numbers and/or drawings.
Approximately 63% of the fish were goldfish, I worked out a long division problem of 31 divided by 49, then I converted the decimal answer to a percentage.
Solve this equation and explain the steps you took to solve: 5x= -20
First I divided both sides by 5 then the 5's canceled out and -20 divided by 5 is -4. So, x= -4
What is -4 take away 3? Use a number line to show and explain your thinking.
-7 is the answer, I used a number line starting at -4 then subtracted to the left 3 times to end at -7.