A kick to another player using the inside of your foot.
The only player on a soccer team that's allowed to use their hands.
goalie (goalkeeper)
How soccer games are started off.
How is it determined who gets the ball first in the game?
The team captain that wins the coin toss.
How many players are on the field?
The offensive players that attempt to score.
forwards / strikers
Red vs blue team. The blue team kicks the ball out of bounds. Who gets to do the throw in?
red team
What 3 things should you remember to do in a throw in?
Throw the ball over your head.
Keep both feet on the ground.
Don't cross the line.
Where are the sidelines on a field?
The lines on the left and right'
The players that help defend and score.
What takes place when the ball is kicked out of bounds.
What happens when an opposing team member fouls their teammate inside the goal box?
Penalty kick
When you hit the ball with your head.
The players that protect the goal.
the body parts soccer players are not allowed to touch the ball with.
hands and arms
Can the goalie pickup the ball with his/her hands ANYWHERE in the field? Explain
No, the goalie can only pick up the ball inside the goal box.
Can the goalie come outside of the goalie box?
The 1 thing you must remember when playing soccer.
Have fun!
What happens when a player shows very bad sportsmanship, argues with the ref, or badly injures another player on purpose.
Yellow Card , Red Card, Thrown out of the game
At the end of every game, what should we do?
Line up and shake hands with every player from the other team.