Arabic Letters
The four forms of ألف
ا ا ــــا ــــــا
_____ is the number of letters in the Arabic alphabet.
My name is
Arabic is a member of the ______ language family.
Good afternoon
مساء الخير
The four forms of باء
ب بــ ـــبـــ ــــب
_____ is the number of long vowels and _____ is the number of short vowels in Arabic
Three (3)
How are you?
كيف حالك/كيف الحال؟
There are ______ countries that have Arabic as an official or co-official language. Can you name five?
Three ways of saying hello
السلام عليكم -- وعليكم السلام
أهلا وسهلا/أهلا
The four forms of خاء
خ خــــ ــــخـــ ـــخ
There are _____ one-way connecting letters in Arabic.
Six (6)
Responses to كيف الحال
جيد جداً
These are the five main categories of Arabic dialect.
1. North African/مغربي
2. Egyptian/مصري
3. Levantine/شامي
4. Gulfi/خليجي
5. Iraqi/عراقي
مع السلامة
The four forms of ياء
ي يــــ ـــيــــ ـــــي
Arabic letters are grouped into two categories. Those categories are known as....
الحروف الشمسية والقمرية
Sun and moon letters
وأنا أسعد
Arabic does not have any _______ letters.
This is said when protecting something from the Evil Eye
ما شاء الله
The four forms of عين
ع عــــ ـــعــــ ـــــع
Excluding the definite marker of ال, all words in Arabic begin with this kind of letter
A consonant
Where do you live?
I live in _______
أين تسكن/تسكنين؟
أنا أسكن في ــــــــــــ
This is a nickname for Arabic derived from one of its unique letters.
لغة الضاد
This is said about future plans
إن شاء الله