People who can approve restraints.
Who are Behavior Health Specialist, Home Director, NMRC Assistant Director.
Who is Mathew and Bubba
Who completes the data sheets?
Who is assigned staff
What does David 5 letters spell out that he receives for one of his reinforcers
What is STORE
What should you do if a client hits another client?
What is remove the client from the area
What is notify nursing
What is fill out an AIR
The first choice of restraint
What is a manual restraint
Dewayne May's scheduled reinforcer time.
What is every two hours.
Which client has to gain appropriate access to attention by raising his hand or calling staff by their names?
Who is Joesph Guest
How does Bubba earn his "Bubba Token"?
What is contingent ONLY upon appropriate behavior while loading, unloading, and transitioning to/from Lafayette Industries for that specific day. Staff will give Bubba his token upon entering the building, contingent on his behavior transitioning into the building (workshop or community home).
Where are the AIR located?
What is in the filing cabinet in Redwoods office.
The type of manual restraint Eric Moore requires
What is Face Up
What does Bubba exchange for a Mt. Dew ?
What is a Bubba Token
Which client has to gain appropriate access to tangibles by pointing to or signing for an item without just taking the item on his own?
Who is Connor McCord
What should you do when Eric engages in self injurious behaviors?
What is block all attempts to self-injure while calmly instructing Eric to remain calm and refrain from biting or hitting himself
Where is EMR board located?
What is in the closet beside the sprinkler closet
How long can a restraint be held before release?
What reinforcer do Robert and Jacob have the opportunity to earn every Monday ?
What is a hot meal.
Which client should appropriately escape task or activities of daily living or educational/workshop task by listening to headphones, pacing, mumbling or relocating to an area without cursing?
Who is David Glaspie
What is the first step in Robert's program that you are supposed to follow when he engages in destruction?
What is remove attention and refrain from talking with him and giving eye contact.
Where are the IBRs supposed to written?
How long can a client be restrained to the EMR Board ?
What is 1 hour and 55 minutes.
Which clients have the opportunity to earn a special lunch trip as a reinforcer?
Who is Jacob Berry
Who is Robert Senyetter
Who is David Glaspie
Who is Connor McCord
Which client has to appropriately seek attention by keeping his hands to himself?
Who is Scottye Dill
What should you never do when Joey engages in different delusions?
What is challenge his beliefs
What is on the bookshelf in both houses.