True or False: Alcohol is a drug.
True or False: Vapes contain water.
True or False: Marijuana comes from a plant so it has no negative side effects.
Name two things you do to take care of yourself.
Going outside, exercising, deep breathing, using coping skills, taking a shower/bath, spending time with loved ones, talking to a trusted person & more!!
Name two organs that are affected by vaping.
Brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, liver
How can substance use impact mental health?
Can cause relationship issues with loved ones, cognitive decline, memory loss, mood changes, and depression, can increase anxiety
Give an example of how you could say "no" to peer pressure.
"No," "no thanks," "I have somewhere to be," "Not interested," "I don't do that"
Name two ways that alcohol affects mental health.
Can worsen depression and anxiety symptoms, affect mood and behavior, can lead to poor decision making, can cause changes in mood, sleep patterns, memory, and concentration
Is marijuana addictive?
Yes, marijuana is addictive.
Name 2 ways that vaping can impact your physical health.
Can cause cancer, seizures, shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, triggers asthma
What activity helps you focus on your breathing and relaxes your mind, and you don’t need any special equipment?
Meditation OR deep breathing.
Name three organs affected by alcohol.
Brain, pancreas, liver, kidneys, heart, colon
Describe one way that vape manufacturers target their products to kids.
Appealing flavors, bright/vibrant colors, exciting vape design
What substance, especially when used at a young age, can affect brain development and memory?
What is the type of group that can help you talk about your feelings and get support, without using substances to cope?
Support group or counseling group
Alcohol is a depressant. What does this mean?
Alcohol is a depressant because it slows down the communication in the brain and body.
Name three chemicals in vapes or in the vapor that they produce.
Formaldehyde, heavy metals, propylene glycol, nicotine, arsenic, acrolein
Which part of the brain, responsible for memory and learning, is most impacted by marijuana use?
Drinking alcohol before the age of 21 can lead to an increased risk of becoming dependent on it later in life and lead to the development of what disorder?
Alcohol use disorder
Define "coping skill."
Tool/technique you can use to help you handle difficult emotions, decrease stress, and establish or maintain a sense of internal order.