What is the 1st episode called?
Take the Plunge
Battle For Dream Island Again
What does BFB pre-split stand for
Battle For BFDI (Battle For Battle For Dream Island)
What does TPOT stand for?
The Power of Two
This character says "Yeah!"
Ice Cube (Icy)
What was the first ever BFDI Character to appear?
What is the 18th episode called
Airplanes in the Night Sky
What does BFB post-split stand for
Battle For BFB (Battle For Battle For Battle For Dream Island)
How do they start the intro?
By screaming something loud
This character always tie their legs with Gelatin, Ice Cube, and Rocky, and was the winner of BFDI, eighth boot of BFDIA
What does BFDI Stand for
Battle For Dream Island
What are the three teams called?
Team No-Name, WOAH Bunch, FreeSmart
Why did Eraser join Free Food?
Death P.A.C.T. Yet Again, Team 2, BAGGED (or Team Musical), CloudYAY
This character has no arms, and was eliminated in BFDIA 18, and TPOT 10.
What does WOAH Bunch stand for?
Wheel Ooze A Hole Bunch (BFDIA 2-11), Water Open Aperature Hater Bunch (BFDIA 11-present)
True or False- Death P.A.C.T originated from here
Who's the host of TPOT
Two (TPOT 1-15) Four and X (TPOT 16-present, unknown if Two will host again in TPOT 17)
What is the 19th episode called?
What is the name of the Token that Tennis Ball used to split up Coiny and Pin in Airplanes in the Night Sky?
Disbandment Token
Who are the hosts of BFB
Why was Two upset in TPOT 16?
Because One took Gaty away and therefore him and Two cannot chat
Who is the bozo brain bossy bot who likes to boss around
Golf Ball