Disney Ocean Adventures
Fun Sea Facts
Ocean Oddities
Underwater Marvels
Ocean Legends and Myths

In this Disney movie, a young mermaid trades her voice for legs to live on land and find her true love.

What is "The Little Mermaid"?


This sea creature has a name that sounds like a long, colorful balloon and can be found floating around the ocean with its bell-shaped body.

What is a jellyfish?


This is the name of the large, floating garbage patch located in the Pacific Ocean, which is often mistaken for a small island of trash.

What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?


This creature is known as the "unicorn of the sea" because of its long, spiral tusk. It actually lives in the Arctic Ocean.

What is a narwhal?


In folklore, this giant sea monster is said to resemble a huge serpent and is often depicted as causing sea storms

What is a sea serpent?


This Pixar movie features a forgetful fish named Dory who joins Marlin on a quest to find his missing son.

What is "Finding Nemo"?


The Great Barrier Reef, known for its vibrant corals and sea life, is located in this country.

What is Australia?


Sea otters hold hands while sleeping to keep from drifting apart. They are also known for using this tool to crack open shellfish.

What are rocks?


This sea animal can change its color and texture to blend in with its surroundings and can be found in warm, tropical waters

What is a chameleon octopus?


According to sailors' tales, this mythical creature is half-woman and half-fish, and is known for luring sailors with its enchanting voice

What is a siren?


In "Moana," this demigod helps the titular character sail the ocean and restore the heart of Te Fiti. His name is also a famous Hawaiian legend.

What is Maui?


This small sea animal is known for its ability to regrow lost limbs and has a name that sounds like a popular candy.

What is a starfish?


This sea creature is known for its ability to mimic the sounds of other animals, including dolphins and even human noises.

What is a bottlenose dolphin?


Known for its bright colors and ability to "walk" on the ocean floor, this sea creature has a name that sounds like a type of candy

What is a candy-striped sea cucumber?


This legendary treasure is often depicted as being buried under the sea or hidden in pirate lore, and is sought after in many stories and movies.

What is pirate gold?


In "The Little Mermaid," this character is the villain with a sea witch who has a pet eel named Flotsam and Jetsam.

Who is Ursula?


If you were to dive deep into the ocean, you might find this giant squid, known for its enormous eyes and long tentacles. It inspired a famous sea monster legend.

What is the Kraken?


This fish is named after a large, ancient-looking sea creature that was once believed to be a mythical beast. It has a long, slender body and sharp teeth.

What is a sea serpent?


This creature is famous for creating large, intricate underwater structures from coral, which provide homes for many marine species.

What is a coral polyp?


In Norse mythology, this giant wolf is said to be one of the enemies of the gods and is prophesied to fight them during Ragnarok.

What is Fenrir?


In "Finding Dory," the main characters visit an aquarium called the Marine Life Institute. What is the name of the helpful whale shark who lives there?

Who is Destiny?


This tiny sea creature is named after a fruit and is famous for its ability to change colors and squirt ink when scared.

What is a cuttlefish?


This glowing sea creature is known for its bioluminescence and can create a magical, sparkling light show when disturbed.

What is a firefly squid?


This enormous, yet gentle, sea creature is known for its massive size and migratory patterns. It can weigh as much as 33 elephants!

What is a blue whale?


This famous sea creature from Greek mythology is known for its ability to turn sailors into stone with its gaze and lives on a dangerous rock

What is the Gorgon (e.g., Medusa)?
